5G, are you kidding? First of all, Israel squashes anything that kinda looks funny. Second, I don't care what the reality is, if you are a person with any kind of political position in this country, you really should have more dignity than to resort to such foolishness. And considering our history, what the hell does the rest of the world think about "jokes" like that????????????
"Why does America always bomb other countries?", my son asked tonight.
by digderidoo 230 Replies latest jw friends
I am going to remember this thread and if Iran manages to kill 5.5 million Israelis some day I'm going to ask you how you feel about your position in 2008 and whether you think mocking McCain for his bad joke was pretty insignificant.
Lol. We'll just see who attacks who first... I think we can all pretty much agree(even if you won't admit it publically) that Iran will not be attacking anyone in the near future. But I can think of two countries that will attack Iran in the near future.
bek, A. The question wasn't addressed to you. B. By your assertion that
Israel squashes anything that kinda looks funny
I guess you mean they'll deserve what's coming to them. C. I suppose
have more dignity than to resort to such foolishness
means defending Israel is a stupid endeavor... And, of course, you are so much smarter than little ol' me. (Typical) D. I already acknowledged
"jokes" like that
McCain's was a stupid joke. (AND FINALLY) E. I know you will bash this as a cliche but you insult my military friends who all support Israel. Incidentally (although not directly related), just because of the person I can tell you are, I will tell you that they have also recently volunteered to go back to Iraq because of the response and appreciation they've seen from the Iraqi people. I know that makes your blood boil but, unfortunately, it's true!
He stole it. I mean that in all seriousness. It is a fact.
Only in the minds of people who don't understand how Presidents are elected.
Article 2 Section 1
Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.
The electors in Florida were chosen in a manner directed by their state legislature. End of story.
Bombs keep the balance of trade in the black. America exports weapons, pornography, democracy and religion.
When a bomb drops on your country, just be glad that there are not cult members proselytizing in your land.
Oh. Sorry. Never mind, I spoke out of turn here. -
Tired of the Hypocrisy
CARLIN on American Warmongering. Language Alert!
Wow, just logged on since last night, i expected a response but not to this degree.
I must admit when i first posted this thread i thought i was going to have to defend my sons question. I never really expected that many Americans understand why he was asking it, but thats just me stereotyping again.
I do wonder what Americas position is going to be in 20 or 30 years. The European kids of today are going to be tomorrows politicians. They are growing up with a distaste of everything American, whereas like i mentioned before we grew up thinking everything American is cool. This coupled with the slowing down of both our economies, the growing of the China and Asian economy, along with the inevitable "United States of Europe", i wonder where Americas place will be when the next generation become our leaders. Yes you have the technological warfare far superior to anything else, but with globalisation will other powers be on par with you then?
One or two have asked about British history and i do tell my kids of Britains role with its empire, i don't hide the fact that we have blood on our hands. I have found this a very interesting read, which has certainly changed my attitude towards the difference between the individual US citizen and its governments decisions.
I will not be able to read much today, so apologise in advance if i do not respond to PMs or this thread until tomorrow, but from a European perspective this thread has given me some insight into the American mind.
It's been interesting here for me to see how other people view my country. So far all the input I've received has been very favorable. Funny thing, Ross and I were sitting in a waiting room with two older women and they started talking about how a local taxi driver had tried to fleece an american tourist. They were very indignant because they consider americans to be their allies and I swear to god their very words were "if it weren't for the americans we would be speaking german", Ross almost split a gut to keep from laughing. It was funnier because they weren't even aware I was an american.
Who are you?
digderidoo, no offense intended, but if you have a 13 year old who has made it this far in life without knowing about WWII and the bombs being dropped on Japan, it is probably safe to say they he won't be running your country in 20 years. You say that he and other European youth have a distaste for everything American.....bigotry comes from ignorance and ignorance starts with parents who don't give their children thoughtful responses to important questions. I had the opportunity to take my son to Japan in the 90's and stay in a Japanese home for a week. We had many interesting discussions about America and how it was viewed. Japan and Japanese people don't hate everything American. Those who are familiar with the Marshall Plan and felt first hand what America did to help Japan after WWII have a broader perspective than most. I would bet that most people on this board have no idea about the Marshall Plan and what it did for the world. The people in Japan certainly have. If an American were to say that they hate everything Muslim...you would have a flood of outraged JWD'ers chastising this person as a bigoted dolt. On the other hand, you can take your average whiney JWD'er who says that they are embarrassed to be an American or they hate America and that person gets high fives all around. Then ask that person about the Marshall Plan and their jaw drops. What's a Marshall Plan? The US has dropped bombs and the US has helped rebuild countries...the actions of George W reflect a seven year history...fortunately for your 11 year old, his history class and perspective of the world predate 2001.
i do tell my kids of Britains role with its empire
Don't forget to teach him why the sun never set on the British empire. LOL
JWD members excessive hatred for America might be linked to a
subconscience memory of the evil Anglo-American empire dub teachings.