My Husband Thinks I'm an Idiot...

by cognac 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bring_the_Light

    Grow long fingernails, sharpen them, and then begin to play with his cock on a regular basis, like everyday do a happy little reach around. He will gradually develop a healthy respect for you and the insulting comments will cease.

    Just like magic.


  • flipper

    COGNAC- When people insult others and call them 2 year olds- it's an evidence of a lack of maturity. It also is a sign of insecurity with themselves dissing others like that , trying to rise above you. It is not right, and you don't have to take it. Just tell him you find it insulting, that you would not treat him that way, and as his wife- you expect better treatment. He's doing the JW man thing - women are considered lesser creatures. You only get respect- when you show respect, a man should be expected to do the same thing

  • DocBob

    Cognac, you are the furthest thing from an idiot. Tell that boy to start treating you with a little more respect or the doctor will have to come down there and make a house call. ;-)

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    My wife was using the "attack you personally" tactic to defend herself from my anti-JW beliefs. Until I showed her from Steve Hassan's book (she let me show it to her since its not apostate literature) that that's how cult members respond. Hasn't attacked me in that way since....


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    This thread reminds me of a conversation I had with my father when I told him I no longer believed the JW doctrine.

    "But I don't understand why? You used to be so intelligent! What happened?"

    Translation: If you believe as I believe then you are intelligent because I believe I am intelligent. If I accept you are intelligent and then you go and believe something the complete opposite of what I believe, then what does that say about my intelligence? How can two intelligent people possibly believe different things? They can't, therefore one of us must be stupid. I know it's not me, therefore it must be you!"

    This type of flawed logic exists because people equate uniformity of belief with being "right". They equate having the "right" answer as being "smart".

    We are conditioned to reason this way from our parents and our earliest teachers who often teach by rote (as does the WTBTS). Beliefs have little to do with facts and quite a bit to do do with conditioning, insecurities and fears about change.

    One of the biggest eye-openers for me was when I went to university and I asked difficult questions my professors couldn't answer. Some commended me on my brilliant intellect and recommended I take more advanced courses. Hmm. Not the reaction I was expecting. I half expected them to get angry and defensive as did my parents, my husband, and some elders (actually there are a few professors who do get arrogant and defensive when challenged by their pupils). They are not well respected by the student body. They may be brilliant but they are afraid to have their [superior authority] challenged. Very much like the governing body and many elders.

    Your husband is quite simply afraid, Cognac. He is reacting to his fear by attacking the external stimulus of it (you) instead of examining the source of it. If he can belittle your intelligence, then he can dismiss your words, then he doesn't have to examine his own beliefs or the fears he has of doing so.


  • dawg

    I hope you asked him to be specific... like what things honey? Good, let's look at those things one at a time and see if my logic, or yours, is like a two year old...

  • TweetieBird
    Translation: I used to like this brainy woman before she started dissenting my beliefs. Now her brains threaten me.

    Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding....we have a winner.

  • Finally-Free

    Serve him some baby food for dinner, just before a meeting, telling him it will complement the spiritual pablum he gets at the kingdom hall. Provide a bib and offer to burp him when he's done.


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    Don't feel bad, lots of husbands think their wives are idiots. It is usually a form of manipulation to make the wife stop being as smart or smarter than the husband.

  • reneeisorym

    A mind is like an umbrella. It is only useful if it's open.

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