Were There ANY WT. Publications That You Actually Enjoyed?

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I used to love reading the Aid/Insight books.

    Questions From Readers was always something I read first when I got my Watchtower.

    I even liked the Truth book because it was pretty detailed in JW beliefs and was an easy read.

    Was there any publication from the Society that you enjoyed reading??

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I remember enjoying Commentary on the letter of James. Then I found out the brother who wrote it became apostate. Go Figure!

  • oompa

    Some sick part of me remembers an orange book as a kid...a big book....Paradise I think....I probably did not have any other books........oompa

  • snowbird

    Aid to Bible Understanding - I read it through the summer of 1973, from Aaron to Zuzim!

    Commentary On the Letter of James.

    Both of the main compilers of these books left the Org. I don't blame them.


  • blondie

    I did like the Greatest Man book.

  • Gopher

    I second Mickey Mouse's endorsement of "Commentary on the Letter of James". It was very clear, and even seemed practical.

    I also enjoyed some of the public speaking tips given in the Theocratic Ministry School Guidebook.

  • momzcrazy

    I used to read the old Family book. And I would sit and read older bound volumes. And the Young People Ask.


  • trevor

    Yes as a child the picture described here. A very thick new book had just been printed called - Babylon the Great has Fallen. This was the book we were studying week by week at our group study.

    I learned that all the religions in the whole world, except our own, were part of Babylon the Great, which was the world empire of false religion and was due to be destroyed soon, before Armageddon came.

    There was a picture of a seven headed lion with a sultry women sitting on it drinking from a glass of blood. The book explained that she was a harlot and represented the churches who were drunk with the blood of the chosen ones.

    Apparently a harlot was supposed to be an unclean woman but she looked clean to me and had a nice dress on and combed hair.


  • stillajwexelder

    Watching the World - also liked the Awake. Proclaimers book I enjoyed too

  • easyreader1970

    Even though there was alot of guessing conjecture in it, I liked the Greatest Man book. It was well written and because it was mostly telling a story, it wasn't packed full of blatant lies and deceit. At least until towards the end, but you knew that was going to happen. I wouldn't suggest that anybody take it to be accurate historically, but for literature it is among their best.


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