Good ! Even with the challenges from Bible's a great start. Hoo-ray, for Civil Rights in America !
California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage
by BenV 280 Replies latest jw friends
I don't support gay marriage at all, I believe that marriage is between one man and one woman. I hope they can get enough votes for a constitutional ammendment, and send a message to those traitor republican judges.
Well, obviously, I'm all for gay marriage!!!
I used to be of the opinion that I didn't care what they called it, marriage, civil union, domestic partnership, as long as I got the same rights as anyone else. However, here's the thing, the US has long been under the opinion that "seperate but equal" is unconstitutional. Having a seperate, kind of "union" for gay people is the same thing.
I agree with the lesbian Ben talked about. All I want are the same rights that any one else has. (Oh, and by the way, the state legislature here in AR has fixed it so that you have to be 18 to get married now. ) And don't say that I do have the same rights, that I can marry a woman just like anyone else. That argument is crap and we all know it. The right I want is to be able to commit and marry the person that I love, regardless of what sex they are. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... I just want to be with the person that makes me happy.
Wayne and I will celebrate nine years together in September. We've always said that for our tenth anniversary, we will go somewhere (Canada, Europe, South Africa) to legally get married. Now we're considering going to California a year early just incase the fundamental, misguided, hate mongers (bless their hearts), get their way and are able to overturn the ruling.
I understand that many people believe that marriage is between one man and one woman, and I can respect their opinion and leave it at that. What I don't get why I'm never afforded the same respect. If you don't agree to my viewpoint of marriage, then don't enter into a same-sex marriage. (I can promise I won't be entering into an opposite-sex marriage.) Why do people care if Wayne and I are husbands, or just "shacked up?" Honestly, I have enough drama in my own life without looking for drama in the lives of strangers. Besides, dictating what others can and can't do with their lives, and in the privacy of their homes and bedrooms is so, so.... "watchtower-ish."
What about the bisexuals? Maybe they were born with the desire to have a husband and a wife at the same time? Just kidding, but you can see where this slippery slope is headed.
And yes, gay men have just as much right to marry a woman as a straight guy, the same with lesbians. -
Junction-Guy, Can I ask why you don't feel gay men should marry?
I'm just wondering since in another thread you mentioned you were "almost gay"
Would you not have wanted the same rights as others?
I'm just curious, not trying to start anything.
Well the reason why I use the term "almost gay' is that while there is some attraction to the same gender, I do not have the desire to spend my life with another guy, it feels unnatural and bizarre. To call it marriage seems just absurd to me.
They already have civil unions, plus there are many other legal remedies available for those looking to find legal protections. So it just seems to me is that they are only doing this to make a statement, and to try to usurp the traditional values this country was founded upon. I have no problem with gay marriage in other countries, in fact the whole world could embrace it and that is fine for them, but this is America and we have our own values here. -
Just look at what this whole gay issue has done to me. They say that curiosity killed the cat. but I would have been better off if I had just left it alone and not even touched it.
Ok, I was just wondering
JG you need to get with the times. I live in Brighton which is basically the gay capital of England. There is absolutely no reason why gay people should not be able to marry. It wasn't to long ago that interracial marriage was viewed with a similar disdain. American "values" are dated and biblically based, for an enlightened country it certainly seems medieval at times
I don't know how long you have lurked here before you started posting, but I had a big coming out post on here last year.
Basically to make a long story short, delving into the gay world was about the worst thing I could have done. My experience with that community almost equals my expereince with the Watchtower.