"Armageddon must be right around the corner."
You just KNOW there's gonna be comments like that in the Cali K Halls for the forseeable future.
by BenV 280 Replies latest jw friends
"Armageddon must be right around the corner."
You just KNOW there's gonna be comments like that in the Cali K Halls for the forseeable future.
hehehe...I hope ya'all get the same divorce rules everyone else gets too............
You really are a turd in a punch bowl aren't you? I'm sure us 'gay kin folk' will be just as bad at marriage as you str8 kin folk. But that is part of the human experience. Live and let live dude.
So -- are there any gay/ lesbian Californians here (or friends or family) who plan on getting married. I kind of remember when San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsome opened city hall for gay marriages. Couples who had been together for 30 years and more finally got married!
Ben (excited)
One of the guys I work with was practically giddy with glee today.
He and his partner are making plans to marry soon.
BenV wrote: I kind of remember when San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsome opened city hall for gay marriages.
Do I understand correctly that those marriages were annulled and that today's announcement re-institutes them??
This is indeed good news.
Its incredible how much has changed since I came out 20 years ago.
I am neither for gay marriage nor against it. I do not see why the state has to become so involved in this issue. It is a moral or doctrinal issue not a secular one IMHO. I am concerned, however because no sooner did the newslady come on and announce it when she immediately acted like she needed to put out a fire and stated that in the california Assembly, there is already a ill that fundamentalist christians have in front of the Senate with 1.1 million signatures behind it. Religion and politics are going to reaally get on my nerves some day....
Tired of the Hippos wrote: "I am neither for gay marriage nor against it. I do not see why the state has to become so involved in this issue. It is a moral or doctrinal issue not a secular one IMHO. "
The 'state' isn't 'involved' in it. The state Supreme Court had to make a ruling based on a legal case in front of it.
Frankly, marriage or civil unions have absolutely nothing to do with 'moral or doctrinal' issues, but rather a human rights issue. Just as the courts have ruled previously that banning mixed race marriages were unconstitutional, they have ruled similarly regarding 'gay marriage'. People should be allowed to marry whom they chose without the state getting involved. It is the most basic of all the protections allowed under state law. In fact marriage under the federal courts alone provide for almost 1,200 protections for marriage. Add most state protections with that and you exceed 2,000 'basic, fundamental, secular. rights that people are allowed. http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d04353r.pdf
Why should gay people wait for almost 2,000 automatic protections under the law for it to be voted on by the populace of the various states?
Why should gay people wait for almost 2,000 automatic protections under the law for it to be voted on by the populace of the various states?
I don't think they should have to. People should do as their conscience allows them to do. As long as their actions do not harm me or others I don't care if they get married, have kids, smoke pot, or grow mushrooms in their cracks. I believe that we are all answerable to a supreme being. Whether He approves of what I am doing or not is between me and Him. Not between you and I, me and some illconceived body of elders or governing body of dickbrains, or the state of California, the USA, or anyone else.
Wow! What a wonderful evening celebrating California's high court decision to say "yes!" to gay marriage. I could borrow a line from Aude's post -- like her workmate, I too was "giddy with glee" all day and night. It probably showed in my earlier posts, right?
People were celebrating all over the city. Couples who have been together for decades were so happy. Some sharing their experiences. A lesbian couple who had been together for 34 years spoke; one of them said that all they've ever wanted was the same rights that any 14-year-old-girl in Arkansas has. [No offense to anyone living in Arkansas.]
There were women in wedding dresses; there was wedding cake; people had signs. One couple had two signs. One said "Susan will you marry me?" and then, I guess it was Susan, had one that said "Yes!"
An older African-American man (maybe in his 50s ?) said with tears in his eyes said he had a similar joy when he saw the US president sign the Civil Rights Act way back in the '60s.
Answering Aude's question: It's my understanding that the marriages that occurred under Mayor Newsom were officially nullified and that those couples have to now re-marry.
What really impressed me was the wide variety of people: young, old, every race; business people to hipsters. One thing I thought was really great was that committed couples brought their children to share in the celebration. I actually saw a guy from high school -- he's always had two moms. He was always popular and one of the "cool" kids. He came with his little sister and his girlfriend (whom I kind of knew). He introduced me to his family.
Yes, I know that some people strongly object to homosexuality and gay marriage. We all know that malignant religious people have already began mobilizing to destroy these civil rights. And it's difficult for me to understand their militant objections. I mean, if you don't like the idea of gay marriage -- then by all means marry someone of the opposite gender. Whatever happened to "live and let live"?
I tried to attach some photos -- don't know if they'll come through (I have to use one of my landlord's computer; really nice guy).
Hey, love to all of you!
Ben (really happy)
I think it is about time. I just don't understand the entire government involvement in marriage in the first place. If two adults want to pleg their love and committment to each other, that's their business.
If I was in california, I would be celebrating - nice pics, Ben. I have gone to a few gay events and with female friends or male friends, but everytime I go with female friends (married with kids), the love we receive is phenomenal. I dig it.