California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage

by BenV 280 Replies latest jw friends

  • VoidEater

    Roy: With all things being equal, a parential team made up of a man and a woman would have a better chance of raising kids compared to a same-sex couple.

    Sadly, all things are not equal. Regardless of ideals (I won't go through the huge copy-paste, I live in a practical world), kids are better off with parents than not. Would you deny a kid a family just because you think it's not the ideal family? Do you pretend that there are enough "traditional" families to adopt all the kids that need it?

    BTS: Would you deny a child any family at all, because the only family available to adopt was gay? Should single parents be denied adoption in toto?

    Roy: You'er going to have to expound on this one because I don't know what you're talking about.

    Bigotry and religious persecution are worse for society than seeing bare butt cheeks.

    Roy: I'd be curious to hear from those who are actualy gay, how many here actually want same sex marriage to be legal? Or is it not a big deal?

    I'd be curious to hear from interracial couples, how many actually want interracial marriage to be legal? Or is it not a big deal?

    Roy: I think that's part of it along with the desire by some to undermine any type of moral code.

    Hmm...formalizing a committed relationship within the legal norms...yup, sounds like undermining the moral code to me!

    Nota: Why is that rainbow on your vehicle?

    I can pass in society. Unlike many ethnic groups. This inivisibility of mine fosters bigotry - if there are no gays around, it's more ok to be biased against them. When people come to love and aprpeciate me, they don't know they are loving and appreciating a gay man. Silence = death.

    Jgnat: My father was forced to switch, and he is fully ambidextrous to this day.

    My dad went through a challenging school curriculum, he never adapted to his right hand like your dad. But I wonder if I should have forsaken my honesty and tried harder to become bisexual. But no matter how much I tried, I found I could not decieve a woman or lead her on that we would have a long-term relationship, nor did my body naturally respond to the female form...

  • Mariusuk.

    14 pages and neither camp will budge, so what is the end result of this?

  • VoidEater

    It's obvious: anti-gay marriage is anti-American.

    And homosexuality is a sin that degrades everything it touches.

    But hopefully along the way everyone gave a few brain cycles to learning something new.

  • BurnTheShips
    Would you deny a child any family at all, because the only family available to adopt was gay? Should single parents be denied adoption in toto?

    Circumstance weighs heavily on these providential decisions.


  • VoidEater

    Circumstance weighs heavily on these providential decisions.

    I would agree. As they are for any adoption.

    So the issue of adoption becomes a red herring when discussing gay marriage.

  • Mariusuk.

    It amazes me that America as a technological and financial front runner is so backwardly biblical.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    A "family" is a group of persons that surrounds you and supports you with love and positive encouragement. Does that define a Mom, a Dad, and two.five siblings as a rule? No...Yes It could be two friends, a teacher, and a counselor. Family is what you make your family. These days, "family" is what you say it is.

    I think that gay persons were born gay. There's been lots of studies about "gay-type kids" that grow up to be gay. It's not a freak thing: check out the Banobo chimps. "Gay" just means that you like someone of your own sex to have sex. These folks are a gift to us, because they are different! There are so many differenet types of people that were just BORN the way there are, and our gift as humans is the ability to accept and love them as who they are.

    Why shouldn't they ahve the right to marry? How's it going to hurt the majority: hetero folks? So our kids see it. They're going to see it anyway, only this way, it's out in the open, accepted, and that's just it. They still ahve the same rights AND RESPONSIBILITIES as hetero folks. Do you think just because a parent is gay that it's going to turn the kid gay? No.. there's many studies that show that kids of same-sex couples are no more likely to become gay than the average couple's kids.

    So.. get over it. Gays are here to stay.. actually they've always been here, it's just that now they are allowed to speak their peace.


  • NotaNess

    Homosexuality is never gonna be accepted by the masses til the end of time. Gays are always gonna be looked down upon. As VoidEater says it's just in Nature.

    As a gay one you can just ignore it and go about your life being happy. That's what I'd do if I CHOSE to be gay. Keep your fight up in courts and in the media, you'll definitely make advances, however, it also strengthens the views of people who are against homosexuality.

    For the people who keep blanketing people who are anti-gay as hillbillies, backwoods people, bible thumpers...enough with that crap. Whatever makes you sleep better at night I guess.

  • Indo_Dude

    In my graduate studies I did, it was interesting to read a few books, and take note of a few studies. One of my favorite books was; 'Homophobia, How We All Pay The Price'. The doctor who wrote the book remarked 'homophobia stunts the hater as much as it oppresses the hated'. Which has been very accurate from my view point. Homophobics are irrational, negative, narrow-minded people, that try to inflict their world view on everyone around them in multiple areas, not just sexism.

    Also, the Central Michigan study done that showed that homophobes were aroused by homosexual desires themselves. When shown gay videos these men had a surge in penis erections. These same men denied at the outset of the study they were gay, nor remotely interested in gay sex, and even AFTER they got boners watching gay men have sex, denied the fact even though their penises were hooked up to scientific measurement systems. Those who were not homophobic and comfortable with their's and others sexuality had no such penile erections. What's astounding that fully over 65% of homophobic men were aroused by homosexual sex, vs. 14% of straight men. A staggering difference. So their hate and homophobia actually has more to do with their own sexual hate, and self hatred rather than that directed at others. Haters, hate themselves.

  • Indo_Dude

    Also at the University of Georgia they conducted a test on homophobia. They found:

    'The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia …. The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored.

    They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire… Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.'

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