Roy: With all things being equal, a parential team made up of a man and a woman would have a better chance of raising kids compared to a same-sex couple.
Sadly, all things are not equal. Regardless of ideals (I won't go through the huge copy-paste, I live in a practical world), kids are better off with parents than not. Would you deny a kid a family just because you think it's not the ideal family? Do you pretend that there are enough "traditional" families to adopt all the kids that need it?
BTS: Would you deny a child any family at all, because the only family available to adopt was gay? Should single parents be denied adoption in toto?
Roy: You'er going to have to expound on this one because I don't know what you're talking about.
Bigotry and religious persecution are worse for society than seeing bare butt cheeks.
Roy: I'd be curious to hear from those who are actualy gay, how many here actually want same sex marriage to be legal? Or is it not a big deal?
I'd be curious to hear from interracial couples, how many actually want interracial marriage to be legal? Or is it not a big deal?
Roy: I think that's part of it along with the desire by some to undermine any type of moral code.
Hmm...formalizing a committed relationship within the legal norms...yup, sounds like undermining the moral code to me!
Nota: Why is that rainbow on your vehicle?
I can pass in society. Unlike many ethnic groups. This inivisibility of mine fosters bigotry - if there are no gays around, it's more ok to be biased against them. When people come to love and aprpeciate me, they don't know they are loving and appreciating a gay man. Silence = death.
Jgnat: My father was forced to switch, and he is fully ambidextrous to this day.
My dad went through a challenging school curriculum, he never adapted to his right hand like your dad. But I wonder if I should have forsaken my honesty and tried harder to become bisexual. But no matter how much I tried, I found I could not decieve a woman or lead her on that we would have a long-term relationship, nor did my body naturally respond to the female form...