That's wonderful Snowbird! Being indwelt by the Holy Spirit is great indeed. I wished our churches would go beyond that and be filled with the Holy Spirit though.
I do not attend a Charismatic type church, too much pretending in many cases from what I've seen....certainly not all though. But, I know the Holy Ghost seeks those believers out that do not quench His prompting and those that agree to be filled. The reason is to equip the believer for more complicated service.
Acts 2:4
'And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost...'
I believe a fundamental characteristic of the early church which we see in Scripture is that they were filled with the Holy Ghost. In Matthew 3:11 we see John the Baptist prophesying that Christ would come and that He would baptize the people with the Holy Ghost. In John 7:37-39 we see Christ teaching that those who believe on Him will receive the Holy Ghost. Every believer at the moment they accept Christ as their Saviour is immediately given the gift of the Holy Ghost. He immediately indwells every believer at the moment of their salvation when they place their faith in Christ as their Saviour.
In Acts 2:38, Peter instructed all those gathered together at Pentecost to repent and they would then receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. All throughout the book of Acts we can see those who trusted Christ as their Saviour and then were immediately given the gift of the Holy Ghost. We can even look in the book of I Corinthians and see that even they were indwelt by the Spirit of God as carnal as they were (I Corinthians 3:16; 6:19). So we can see that there is ample evidence throughout the New Testament to suggest that each believer has the Holy Ghost living within them immediately upon salvation. Simply being indwelt by the Spirit, however, is not what allowed the early church to turn the Roman world upside down.
If we look back in our text verse we see that Peter and the other disciples were not just indwelt by the Holy Ghost but rather FILLED with the Holy Ghost. This is a big difference between those early Christians and most of today's Christians. While every believer is indwelt by the Spirit of God not every believer chooses to be filled with the Spirit. The Bible instructs us in Ephesians 5:18 to be filled with the Spirit. This is accomplished by allowing the Spirit to take control of our lives. Most Christians, however, do not want to turn that much of their lives over to the Lord. They want to hold onto those things which satisfy their fleshly appetites. Galatians 5:16 tells us to walk in the Spirit so that we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. As has been stated by many a preacher before, "Whichever one we feed the most, whether the flesh or the Spirit, is the one which will control our actions." As long as we live after the flesh then it will be impossible for us to be filled with the Spirit and our relationship with the Lord will suffer as a result (Romans 8:8).
Many Christians would rather quench the Spirit as Paul warned the church at Thessalonica about doing (I Thessalonians 5:19). Today Christians have a myriad of ways to choose from in order to quench the Holy Spirit's working in their life. The majority of these ways can be lumped into two different categories. The first way many Christians quench the Spirit is by simply refusing to separate from the world and its lusts. The majority of Christians dress and talk so much like the world that you would not know them to be a Christian outside of them attending a church service on Sunday - though that does not make one a Christian. We need to follow what the Bible says in II Corinthians 6 and separate ourselves from the ways of the heathen.
If you haven't yet asked God to fill you with the Holy Spirit, I would reccommend you do that. I was filled when I asked God to confirm for me that I was indeed saved. I've heard countless testimonies that are similar as well.
God Bless you and yours.