One Reason Why I Worship the God of the Bible

by snowbird 193 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Renegade

    Happy Birthday, Awakened at Gilead!

  • *summer*

    Re: "Conclusion: anybody who loves the god of the Bible is a very sick and disgusting person, not to mention: delusional, ignorant, immoral, dangerous, confused, clueless, senseless, twisted and insane. Let me see, could I state that in even harsher terms? I'll leave it at that for now. Oh, and "capable of believing just about anything," or naive."

    Wow! Hope I am not all those bad things! Nah...I am sure I am of the "capable of believing just about anything, naive" class":-)

  • startingover


    I've always had such a strong sense of right and wrong that injustices make me literally sick. So deep were my convictions and so earnest my endeavors to walk the straight and narrow path, that I was given the dubious nickname of "The Saint."

    Considering your above statement, how can you possibly read the bible, a book filled with great injustices, and not be "literally sick"? And then you love and worship the god described in it. I don't get it.

    I for one am glad you started this thread, and included the above comment in it. I think those who are coming out of a mind controlling religion and who are starting to think and reason for themselves will see that your comments make no sense and it will open their eyes as to what the bible really is.

  • snowbird


    Please enumerate any God-approved injustices found in the Bible. Thank you.


  • 83501nwahs

    Of course my previous post was just my opinion, so I hope you don't take it personally. Still, I am just the messenger here. It's common sense that is knocking here and saying, "Hey you! Wake up! It's not OK to murder infants and toddlers, even if you are god. Isn't that the most vile thing a god could do? How is it that you can agree with stoning children to death, having bears come and rip and tear children to pieces just because they made fun of a stupid old man? Am I crazy to say that is just the sickest thing ever?

    I mean, if god told you to rape and torture a child, would you do it? If you say yes, you are just plain sick and there is no hope for you. If yopu say no, then you are at odds with the god you worship. People create gods to resemble themselves. If you are like god and god is like you, then you are a homocidal maniac just like him. Right? Is there something I'm missing here? Someone please set me straight if I am out of line.

    If more people in the first few centuries after the age of pices began, had reacted to the Bible like me, then the Bible would never have gained popularity, and thousands of wars would not have taken place and millions and millions of lives would have been spared.

    The proof that people invent gods that resemble themselves is that just like the god of the Bible, people who worship the god of the Bible and claim to love him have committed the most vile and disgusting atricities in all of history. Atheists like myself have committed zero. So who is more loving, atheists or peiople who worship the god of the Bible?

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open
    Are you suggesting that the fact that we all die, and that the God of the bible said this would happen, is a reason for faith in the said book and God?
    I am stating that this is one of my reasons for such.


    Suggested reading: Confirmation bias.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Believing in God is GREAT..........unless your whole family just got killed by an earthquake in China or crushed by a cyclone in Burma or washed away in a Tusnami.....too many times I see these poor souls yelling to God "Why me God, why?"

    God answers: "....................................................................................................................."

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    Summer: when I read the Bible I believe that there is some sort of end coming.

    Sumer, I am currently reading a book recommended by others on this board... it brings the Bible into its historical context: "How to read the Bible" by Steven McKenzie.

    One point it makes is the discussion of "end" prophecies... interesting read.. it will give you a broader viewpoint. As a JW I would have put the book down and condidered it heretical, but now that I know that the WTS is full of lies as I read it it makes so much sense. In fact some of the concerns I had about the Bible are explained (i.e. - why NT writers quote from the LXX which differs from the MT, and what this signifies in the historical context).

    If you decide to read it, please update on what you think.


  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open
    So who is more loving, atheists or peiople who worship the god of the Bible?

    There are both loving Christians and loving atheists. But I agree that Yahweh was not very loving at all at times in his stories.

  • snowbird


    Suggested reading: Confirmation bias .

    Wow, indeed. May I also make a suggestion:


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