Peppermint - Actually I don't know what to do with my vote!
I don't trust the conservatives as far as you can throw them......I still remember the Poll Tax, the reduction in hospital wards, the loss of dentists, the privatisation of hospital cleaning and school cleaning, the abuse of the miners! God how we could do with some coal mines NOW! The privatisation of the railways, the water boards and the complete bloody mess they caused when we ended up with 15% interest rates! What a fiasco the Conservatives were!! Oh and if you don't remember the Poll Tax riots, its worth watching them on You Tube. Do you remember the sick, disabled and elderly being locked up in prison because they could not AFFORD the scandalous Poll Tax! I do. I will Never vote Conservative....ever!
As for the Liberal Democrats - What can one say? But they do run our local council and do a fantastic job but then I heard they wanted to Road Tax large cars two thousand pounds a year!!! Well, we need our Espace and we only use it to go on holiday once a year and perhaps shop once or twice a month.....other than that it never moves, BUT we don't want to pay two thousand in road tax for a car that we need as there are six of us in our family! We both work locally and so we cycle or walk to work hence we already pay as little tax as possible to this blood sucking government and don't intend to vote another blood sucking government in.
Now, UKIP sounds interesting, BUT, they don't seem to have many policys other than getting out of the EU, which would be fantastic for a start!
I would never vote for the BNP, as they are too thuggish!
Labour! I will remember this eleven years fiasco of the sickening Blairs and poor old Mr Brown for a long time and will NEVER vote for labour!
So.....any suggestions as to who to vote for as I have no idea except for who I won't vote for!
Might even vote for the Monstor Raving Looney Party!