Wrote a letter to the Catholic Chruch.

by Blueblades 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • song19

    I did write a letter to the church I was baptized in when I was an infant. I even included the paradise tract with it. I was but a teen when I did it and was baptized as a witness at 15. stupid really, but anyway.

    In terms of if I'll write a letter of disassociation to the JW’s, only if it comes down to a JC. I have faded away enough prior to me seeing 'the light' so it's no surprise that I am not at the hall or in service. But if it ever gets out that I have 'apostate views' and a JC is formed... I'll just write the letter.

  • Finally-Free

    I was raised as a Catholic. When I joined the JWs it was suggested that I write a letter to the Catholic church too, but I never did it nor did I feel it necessary to explain myself to anyone. I also got baptized with the JWs before the questions were changed. As far as I was concerned, the questions I said "Yes" to were my vows, and were not subject to change by any third party, such as the watchtower society. I alone have the authority to do that.


  • Tom Cabeen
    Tom Cabeen


    Just so you know, you are still a member of the Catholic Church. Valid Christian baptism creates an indelible mark on the soul which cannot ever be removed by anything we or anyone else does. That is why the Church has accepted deathbed reconciliations from once-avowed athiests, murderers, Mafiosi, etc.

    The idea that writing a letter could terminate one's affiliation with a religious organization arises from the Watchtower's own view of their identity: they baptize people as a sign of their dedication to God and membership in his organization.

    The Catholic church has always viewed it very differently. This is the key to understanding the Catholic view of non-Catholic Christians. Long ago, when heretics had divided Christians into schismatic groups, the question arose as to whether or not persons who were baptized by heretics, (like Montanists, for example) were actually truly baptized. Yes, said the Bishops. Anyone who is baptized in the manner prescribed by Jesus ("in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit) was indeed a true member of the church, "born of water and the Spirit", to use Jesus' words. That is why non-catholics are viewed as "separated brethren" rather than members of a different religion or of some other Christian church.

    Since Catholics believe and proclaim in their creed that there is only "one" holy, catholic and apostolic church, all persons who are validly baptized are members of the same Catholic church, even if they are not in full communion with the main body of that church's members, for there is only one body of Christ. There can be no other. So as regards your membership in the Catholic church, your letter was just as valid as would be a letter you had written saying that you had decided not to be born.

    Tom Didn't see your post first, StAnn. We agree.

  • Casper
    Just so you know, you are still a member of the Catholic Church

    I had no idea about this... So you are saying since my parents had me baptised as an infant in the Catholic church 51 years ago, I am still a member...? I did receive a reply when I sent my letter, basically saying the same, but I really didn't believe it. (see above post).

    Does that mean I can now walk into any Catholic Church, do the confession thing and be seen as a part of that particular church, or would I need proof of my baptism 50 years ago...??

    Amazing if this is so.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Very interesting post Tom. I enjoyed reading it.

    Do you know if the Catholic church views JW baptism as being "in the manner prescribed by Jesus"? The Watchtower CLAIMS that JWs baptize "in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" but many here would disagree with that view.

    Bottom Line: Are active JWs viewed as "separated brethren"?

    Also, can "separated brethren" go to heaven?

    Just curious.


  • Finally-Free
    Does that mean I can now walk into any Catholic Church, do the confession thing and be seen as a part of that particular church, or would I need proof of my baptism 50 years ago...??

    Yep, and you don't need to show any proof of anything. Most religions don't police every breath you take like the JWs do.


  • Casper


    The whole Idea of this just floors me...

    Then what would keep just anyone, from walking in off the street and claiming to be Catholic ?... (not that many people would).

    I'm going to have to think this over.... gives me a weird feeling... lol


  • Casper


    Did you know that you are still considered a Catholic...? If not does learning this give you a weird feeling also...?

    I personally never said Boo to the JW's when I left, felt no need and may never feel a need.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    What if you were baptized into the born again faiths? I was so does that mean that I'm a separated sister in the Catholic church? My name's not on a list but I visited once. Do they recognize other faiths' baptisms as long as it is in those three names?

  • Tom Cabeen
    Tom Cabeen

    Hi Cas,

    That is exactly what it means. Hope that is good news!


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