I'm glad to have been able to help, Blue. I also am very comfortable with not having exact answers to everything. Actually, it makes the world bigger and more mysterious as it was to me when I was a child.
Wrote a letter to the Catholic Chruch.
by Blueblades 47 Replies latest jw friends
Blue, I linked to the sequel in the first link I posted. This is the name of the first book about how they came to embrace universalism.
If Grace Is True: Why God Will Save Every Person (Gulley, Philip)
The Episcopal Church recognizes baptisms if they are done in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost and any one so baptized is welcomed to their communion table.
FHN - Not for me. When I initially became a christian, it was in the Episcopal Church. They did not recognize my JW baptism. I was baptized Episcopalian. The Catholic Church recognized my Episcopal baptism, so I didn't have to be baptized again. SA
Even though you say no matter, that I am still a Catholic, non-practicing one at that and can go to confession and be restored to the faith, I feel nothing.
Blueblades, as Tom mentioned, when you were baptized, you were marked with an indelible mark. God adopted you. He never un-adopts you. One of the requirements for faith is that you have to want it. Faith is a gift. If you want to find out about God and whether or not he's real or exists or there is anything worth believing in for you, take a moment and ASK God for the faith to find the answers you seek. It may seem silly but what can it hurt?
Catholics believe that each of us has a guardian angel with us at all times. It's the guardian angel's job, in part, to help lead you to God, if you so desire it. If you ask God and your guardian angel for assistance, you will receive it. You won't get hit by a bolt of lightning, but you will find the guidance you seek.
The Episcopal Church recognizes baptisms if they are done in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost and any one so baptized is welcomed to their communion table.
FHN - Not for me. When I initially became a christian, it was in the Episcopal Church. They did not recognize my JW baptism. I was baptized Episcopalian. The Catholic Church recognized my Episcopal baptism, so I didn't have to be baptized again.That is why I said, it has to be in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Some priests would recognize a JW baptism and some would not, depending on the priest and what the former JW tells the priest. I was told that since JW's do not believe in the trinity, some priests will not recognize the baptism.
I was baptized in the Episcopal Church as a child of 9, so I could take communion as soon as I felt ready to, in the Episcopal Church. I had never had communion as a child. When I was a child, you needed to be confirmed into the church in order to take communion. Now all you need to do is be baptized. So, when I left the JWs I longed for the loving and very spiritual church of my youth. I returned and eventually I took communion.
We have babies who take communion and it's beautiful. Mother Vals says you cannot convince her they don't understand the spiritual connection there. I agree with her. I watch the magic in their eyes and faces. And my very earliest memories of being an infant too small to stand or think in words, or of being in church.
Voideater states :
My next baptism will be a Mormon In Absentia deal.
My sister who is a fading witness is going this way also, could you possibly fill me in
as to
1) how you feel leaving the witnesses this way
2) what made you gravitate toward the Mormons.
If you don't feel like posting here, please PM me !! -
Did you write it in German? The pope speaks broken English and hes the one you want to talk to to get to God.
It is easy to write a letter to the Cath church, they dont do anything (at one time in the past theyd skin you alive) But now they dont shun you or investigat or nothin and if you wanna go back, I think you just go back to church and wave your baptsim certficate that you waived when you became a jw and youre catholic again I think.
But if you wanna leave jw, your gonna feel it, so it is smoother just to not send any letters or you will be shunned and publicly have your name announced, smameful painful and if you wanna go back, gota start atthe bottom.