I remember the images from the Live Forever book and other publications that had graphic Holocaust and other photos and illustrations – but we couldn’t see Schindler’s List because it was R-Rated??
Also the flood account in the MBoBS had a illustration of a woman holding a baby and being stalked by a wild animal right before they drowned in the flood. That haunted me for years.
Being spanked, pinched, swatted, and smacked was a fact of life in the KH. Two hour meetings was torture. The assemblies and 4 day conventions was unbearable – especially when we met at the Oakland Coliseum baseball stadium before they moved to the (indoor) Cow Palace. Sitting all-day baking in the hot sun watching people get baptized wishing you were the one going into the pool….(sigh). The food (especially the HOT breakfasts) and danishes was the highlight of my day!