Secure people don't usually feel the need to point and laugh at others who put them down. They go on their way secure in the knowledge that they are right. They don't throw sand. Play nice now.
All Things Mystical - Real or Not?
by Sirona 131 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Since I cannot prove or disprove anything, I believe in the possibilities of many things until they are proven hoaxes or untrue by science.
I think of it as a kind of TV game show where there are dot "patterns" revealed a little at a time.
At first, the dot pattern___seems__to indicate the pattern shape of a Unicorn. But, as more and more dots are added to the overall picture, eventually it becomes clear that it is not what we first thought. Turns out it is a rhinoceros instead!
Science doesn't so much DISPROVE this and that. Science keeps adding more information "dots" until clearer and clearer patterns can be recognized.
At first, our imagination may do more work than the data (dots) allow and we become fanciful in our guesses and hypothesis.
But, as the data piles up there is a critcal mass and a tipping point.
The THEORY emerges!
So, Science can serve as DISCONFIRMATION of an idea, concept, conjecture, myth or hypothesis--but---mainly as a by-product.
That's how I look at it.
You can't prove a negative, you can only reveal a recognizable pattern of confirming evidence.
Is this distinction (Disproof and disconfirmation vs Evidence and Pattern) worth mentioning?
I think so.
Therefore, you see your fridge as a solid, but if you were a tachyon, you could travel through it.
I'm not a tachometer so my fridge is solid. But I can still get up at night and travel through it, I just have to open the door. (Although that light in there has me curious)
If a primitive person, say a member of one of those Papua New Guinea tribes, were to visit a campsite of westerners or europeans and then return to his tribe and try to describe radio, cameras, video, flashlights, cigarette lighters, etc. he might convince someone to return with him so he could prove his wild claims, and he would.
But if you are talking about convincing someone of a vision or personal coincidence (see examples above) be prepared to meet with honest, reasonable doubt unless you can take them back to that experience with you. Even being a slick talker won't help.
Here's one that has frustrated me for years. I was once in a supermarket and started having a strong craving for peanut butter. It wasn't two seconds later and I looked up and saw hundreds of jars of peanut butter!
There are some interesting comments on here - Terry you said
At first, the dot pattern___seems__to indicate the pattern shape of a Unicorn. But, as more and more dots are added to the overall picture, eventually it becomes clear that it is not what we first thought. Turns out it is a rhinoceros instead!
I can see what you're saying. I think that science will eventually help to explain this phenomena better.
As I said in a previous post, there are already scientific studies which have given a significant result for some type of extra sensory communication. When this is investigated further and accepted by the scientific community, those people who said they could "know" things outside of their normal senses will not be ridiculed so much.
Also Terry
Your Mystical Experience is merely an experience which you cannot explain and, therefore (because you cannot understand it or explain it) you label it MYSTICAL.
If I have an experience which involves some kind of contact from a discarnate spirit, whilst I cannot scientifically prove the procresses involved, I can "explain it" to some degree. As I previously mentioned, Dion Fortune goes into some detail regarding her opinions about the movement of energy and methods of spirit communication (in particular in her book "spiritualism and occulstism").
So it isn't really a case of "what was that?" - "I don't know therefore it was mystical"
Many, if not most, strange occurances have a mundane explanation.
While the king is at his table, my spikenard sends forth its fragrance.
A bundle of myrrh is my beloved to me, that lies all night between my breasts.
My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blooms in the vineyards of En Gedi. Song of Solomon 1:12-14
love michelle
choosing life
I'm with Gill on this one. Quantum physics is facinating. I think we forget that our view of things is very limited. We depend on our senses to tell us what reality is, yet this gives us a very limited picture of reality. What we now call magical or mystical may one day be explained by science.
Yes, there are those who will take advantage of others selling illusions and snake oil, but that's no reason to demand that our current understanding is the only reality that exists.
Gregor! I'm still laughing at you travelling 'through' your fridge!!
Thing is Gregor, it doesn't matter whether you have experienced such thing yet or will!
I appreciate your healthy skepticism! It is good to always use critical thinking skills and your own experience is a good measure for what you choose to believe or not. But by that same measure, you might choose to admit that I too have to use my experiences as a measure.
To me it doesn't matter one way or another if anyone would choose to believe my experiences and I take it as so with Sirona also.
No one ever knocked 'looney mystics' more than me, and I think I would have should I have been brought up JW or not. But, things happen to us and sometimes these 'thoughts', instincts, beliefs, feelings, coincidences, knowings, thoughts and realisations have no other explanations.
In our home we sometimes play a game where we hold playing cards and transfer the 'picture' to eachother's minds.
It is a difficult and in some ways spooky game especially when we can be right 4 times out 5 on what the card is. But, it is also exhausting...really exhausting which suggest the use of unexpected energies.
Explain that to me and why we can do it. It's not a parlour trick and we know that for a fact by the sheer hard work and mental imaging involved....(no words, just transfering of image).
In our home we sometimes play a game where we hold playing cards and transfer the 'picture' to eachother's minds.
It is a difficult and in some ways spooky game especially when we can be right 4 times out 5 on what the card is. But, it is also exhausting...really exhausting which suggest the use of unexpected energies.
Explain that to me and why we can do it. It's not a parlour trick and we know that for a fact by the sheer hard work and mental imaging involved....(no words, just transfering of image).
I'm curious. Do you count a "hit" only if it was exactly spot on? e.g. Must be the Queen of hearts, say, and not accept a red queen vs black, or even just queen vs other. Are you only roughly ballparking that number of 4 out of 5 times? If you were to use a completely new deck of cards and had others observe would the phenomenon persist? I'm not that great of a critiquer as you can see.
Can you point me to those studies that support ESP? I would love to have ESP confirmed (I ate up books on the paranormal as a young reader).
But I really think that the more we learn about reality on the neural level and the quantum level it actually dispells notions of the paranormal. Still fun to keep tabs on whats brought forward to bolster the case.
Hi Gill
To me it doesn't matter one way or another if anyone would choose to believe my experiences and I take it as so with Sirona also.
Yes, if noone ever agreed I would still know what I've experienced.
Your card game is interesting - I've done similar things myself with my spirit guide. (Shuffle the cards and ask my guide what the top card strengthens the communication)
You are right, such activity is exhausting, much like mediumship. I can only do a certain amount of mediumship before I feel I need to replenish my energies.
Yes I will provide the details. I was trying to find another thread in my history on which I gave some details but can't find it. I will have to get the book out from which I took the information and post them to this thread again....bear with me.