Parking Lot Witnessing Can Be Dangerous

by Kenneson 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • SirNose586

    I can see how you'd be easily startled if you were napping. Happened to me one time as I was in the parking lot of a Home Depot. One of those knockoff-perfume-selling chicks came over to my car just as I was reclining for a nap. Scared the living hell out of me! And then she had the nerve to ask why I was all startled. Well gee, I'm sorry, random people staring down at me while I try to fall alseep just doesn't make me comfortable!!!

  • nomoreguilt

    Strange article......In as much as this news item didn't even make the TV newscast here. I live in between both Ortonville and Lapeer. Both towns are small and the newspaper that reported it is a non-affiliated paper. Lapeer itself is mostly rural, a large county and the jw's in it are mostly older folks, as all of the younger people have left the org. I know a number of the dubs there, dullards are what they are. very narrow minded with a BOE of old family members.


  • bronzefist

    Well that congregation has a new "American Idol". His story will be told from the platform for sure. "And the most persecuted award while out in service goes to......"


  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Update: since this story was release the gun man felt the power of Jehovahs love and decided to dedicate his life to Jehovah and was baptized in Prison, started pioneering to other inmates, since his release from prison he was reunited with the brothers that turned his life around later he was appointed as an elder and disfellowshipped the brother that called 911 on him for going to the authorities against a fellow witness. Thank Jehovah!

  • logic&reason

    Burn, I didn't mean he had the right to threaten anyone with the gun, only to display it if he felt threatened.

    I do agree with what you are saying... you cannot just arbitrarily wave a gun at someone because you don't like them, but to me, the story sounds fishy. Why did they chase after him if they felt threatened by his gun.

    It makes no sense at all.

  • sinis

    Exactly!! And I believe his lawyer will have a field day with this one. All he has to say is that the man felt threatened, displayed his gun to tell them to get away, drove off, and was subsequently being persued by the threatening party - which only adds credence to his concerns.

  • jaguarbass

    In Florida we have concealed weapons permits.

    That pretty much means you can carry a concealed weapon.

    When somebody else sees it.

    It is no longer concealed and there is a good chance you will be spending the night in the county Hilton and they sheriff will be taking your gun away.

    Now if you had a concealed weapon and someone was trying to rob you or do great bodily harm and you drew it and you can express that.

    You might not even be arrested. As you can see it kind of depends on who does the complaining. Who calls the police. The JW turned the tables.

    It would have been better for the gun holder to call the police and say a couple of bums came up to his car and demanded money. And he drew his gun to protect himself. Then the 2 friends, Brothers, would have been in the can.

    Maybe, you never can be sure who is going to get arrested or charged.

    Everybody I ever met in jail, and I meet a lot, tells me they are innocent.

    Pretty much a concealed weapon should not be seen and when it is there is a good chance you will be dealing with the police and have some explaining to do. Reports will have to be filled out and submitted.

    And there will most likely be an investigation.

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