he is a male chauvanist oinker.

by John Doe 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    How many women list having had many many women as qualities to look for in a husband?

  • Aphrodite

    FlyingHigh you could equally turn that around and say how many women look for that in a husband?

    lol, snap.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    How many guys list a woman who has had many, many men, on their: Qualities to look for in a bride list?

    Sure FHN, it's right there sandwiched in between "big hooters, little ass" and "quiet and submissive spirit"!

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Are you familiar with the expressions, "be careful what you say, your words will come back to haunt you, someday'? or, "your ass is in hotwater"?

    Yes I am, but neither of those apply.

  • Aphrodite
    A male chauvanist oinker () is someone who believes he is superior to females because of the fact he is male

    Thats the official definition and a female chauvanist oinker is someone who believes she is superior to males because of the fact she is female.

  • Farkel

    :what's your idea of a male chauvinist oinker?

    Chauvin was a general for Napoleon. He was noted for his unquestioning obedience, despite his own opinions. FemiNazis started applying this term to some men, men who didn't buy into their bullshit.

    Of course, we all know what an "oinker" is: it is the female fatso who can't get laid and calls men names like that so as to distract from the fact that she has stretch marks all over her fatso body and she has had no children to give her a decent excuse.

    It's simple, really. I could be wrong on this, though, as I just made it all up.


  • brinjen
    Thats the definition and afemale chauvanist oinker is someone who believes she is superior to males because of the fact she is female.


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    Thats the definition and afemale chauvanist oinker is someone who believes she is superior to males because of the fact she is female.

    I don't believe I'm superior to men, just John Doe!

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    Of course, we all know what an "oinker" is: it is the female fatso who can't get laid and calls men names like that so as to distract from the fact that she has stretch marks all over her fatso body and she has had no children to give her a decent excuse.

    Whew! Thank goodness I have a child, so this doesn't apply to me!

    If "oinker" is what all the female fatso's are called, what are all the male fatso's with stretch marks and no babies for a decent excuse called? Do enlighten us Farkel?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    My my, rolling on the ad hominems tonight. ;-)

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