he is a male chauvanist oinker.

by John Doe 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Well gee, I'd get right on it, but I'm not sure my purdy little uneducated head can handle on that book learnin.

    Hmmmm….. that’s kind of what I was referring to about open mindedness and pointless debate

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    That's what I mean by too much attention on radical feminism, the kind you just described who, personally, I think shouldn't even be given the time of day. But that's the kind too many think of when you mention 'that' word.

    I do agree with you Brinjen. But do you think that those kind of Feminists are just the end result of the evolution of the movement…..???

    I'm for equal rights for both sides, take each person as an individual rathr than stereotyping.

    But is this not the complete opposite of the ethics of the movement, being that it is only focusing on womens rights

    P.S. I love the way that this thread has turned into a discussion about feminists.

  • brinjen
    But is this not the complete opposite of the ethics of the movement, being that it is only focusing on womens rights

    Maybe you need to look a little deeper... Many of the issues have helped men as well (eg. men who choose nursing as a career or a stay at home parent).

    I do agree with you Brinjen. But do you think that those kind of Feminists are just the end result of the evolution of the movement…..???

    Liberal feminism has been around as long as feminism itself, but like I said earlier, gains the least publicity. Squeaky wheel gets the oil etc.

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Liberal feminism has been around as long as feminism itself, but like I said earlier, gains the least publicity. Squeaky wheel gets the oil etc.

    Again Brinjen, I very much agree with you. That is exactly what has happened, and now because everyone is focusing on that "squeaky wheel" it is those attitudes that are becoming the most predominant because of the publicity and therefore the causation of the harm I was referring to……

    The original cause I don’t have a problem with at all. Very much in agreement. But what has it become and how many people has it hurt…….?? women more so…..


    Still don't know what an "oinker" is by the way.......

  • brinjen
    The original cause I don’t have a problem with at all. Very much in agreement. But what has it become and how many people has it hurt…….?? women more so…..

    Well this is a pretty lousy debate... we're agreeing with each other.

    I think it's become an excuse for certain political groups to push their own agenda forward, not for anyone else's benefit.

    I think politial correctness has gone way too far, often to the detrement of the minority groups it is supposed to be protecting. We've gone in one lifetime from frowning upon married mothers who work to frowning on married mothers who choose not to work. The pendulum has swung too far, it needs to balance out, hopefully it will...

  • changeling

    True story: I know a large (no pun intended) witness family by the name of Chauvin in Louisiana. Not one of them is over 5'3" tall. Not one of them weighs less than 250 lbs. They all live in "double wides" and go out in service all day long while collecting unemployment and disability checks from the government. They also have big fat porcine noses.

    Also true: I love John Doe! I think he's a brilliant, wickedly twisted young man who is at heart kind and sweet, but does not want us to know about it.

    changeling :)

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    While I don't agree with everything you say, you're a smart woman changeling. ;-)

  • LovesDubs

    My JW husband used to quote parts of this song when he is being a particularly obnoxious AH. And of course laugh that I was offended by it.

    Tom T. Hall Put Another Log On The Fire Lyrics
    Songwriters: N/A Complimentary "Put Another Log On The Fire" Ringtone Put another log on the fire
    Cook me up some bacon & some beans
    And go out to the car & change the tire
    Wash my socks and sew my old blue jeans
    Come on baby you can fill my pipe & then go fetch my slippers
    And boil me up another pot of tea
    Then put another log on the fire babe

    And come & tell me why you're leaving me

    Now don't I let you wash the car on Sunday
    And don't I warn you when you're gettin fat
    Ain't I a gonna take you fishin' with me someday
    Well a man can't love a woman more than that
    And ain't I always nice to your kid sister
    Don't I take her driving every night
    So sit here at my feet cause I like you when you're sweet
    And you know it ain't feminine to fight

    So put another log on the fire
    Cook me up some bacon & some beans
    Go out to to the car & lift it up & change the tire
    Wash my socks & sew my old blue jeans
    Come on baby you can fill my pipe & then go fetch my slippers
    And boil me up another pot of tea
    Then put another log on the fire babe
    And come & tell me why you're leaving me

  • brinjen

    "Treat him like a lady, treat him like a lady"....


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    That's a god awful song Brinjen! Typical of female complaining though. ;-)

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