It might have been better if JWs go door to door in the afternoon instead in the morning. Fire away your comments!
Why do JWs mostly go door to door in the mornings?
by asilentone 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
To get it over with ASAP and get on with better things to do the rest of the day.
That's my answer and I'm solidly sticking with it... until a better answer comes along.
B the X
'Cause you can rack up hours without actually having to talk to anyone, since they're at work.
Doesn't really matter either, 'cause the angels are showing them the way to the 'worthy ones'. If people are at work in the morning, well then, I guess it's a sure sign they just weren't worthy of survival should the big A come next week.
Jeremy C
The organization is very traditions-oriented. This is a tradition that may be as old as the organization itself. When the Bible Students were first gaining traction, they would usually have their Sunday Service similar to other mainline churches. Mornings are the favored time for Sunday Services. Leaflet and tract work was usually done after the services. This custom of meeting in the morning may have just been carried over into the colporteur work, and then it became the norm from then on.
Remember also, that Rutherford himself had a huge part in institutionalizing the door-to-door and street witnessing work. Rutheford’s sandwich sign campaigns were often focused on the churches - during church services. Those services were usually on Sunday mornings. Therefore, morning meeting for field service had to be held to organize all of Rutherford’s foot soldiers. Onward Christian soldiers.
When I was a pioneer, I found the morning door-to-door work highly ineffective. There were a majority of Not-At-Homes even on the weekends. A couple of us did however, experiment with evening door-to-door work one Summer. We had much better results and very few Not-At-Homes.
Although, if the organization really wanted to reach every man, woman, and child with this "life-saving" message, there are much more modern, creative, and effective communication methods available. That would not suit the organizational traditions however. The publishing arm of the organization needs a steady outlet for it’s huge quantities of literature. Expanding literature output is a sign of God’s blessing, and keeps all rank and file members busy.
1. Because if they can't sleep in then they think no one else should be able.
2. They figure people are more receptive when their brains are fuzzy headed from being woke up out of a sound sleep by a complete stranger.
3. Because they are inconsiderate and do not respect other people's privacy and personal space.
4. Because they like to torture people by waking them up early Saturday morning, the only time many people have to sleep in and relax and do as they please each week.
5. Because the devil makes them do it.
Because the fog of their morning dose of prozac is still working.
Because the donuts are fresher in the morning?
I believe your right Billy the Bethelite. Lets get it done asap and then we have the rest of the day to play.
I use to prefer when I was a pioneer to start in the heat of the summer at 7 AM and work until Noon.
Reason being Montreal is a huge city and people are everywhere day and night. I couldn't function in the humidity of the summer so that is why I began real early and I had a lot of people that would stop and chat with me. I kind of walked slowly down part of a street I didn't like standing there like a robot. Just a walkig robot.
I had several bible studies and I would have them late in the afternoon and if I didn't have a study I would just go home and die. What peeved me off more than anything else was having to wear nylons or panty hose. I really believed I was allergic to the hoisery by mid morning my legs at the top began bleeding for heat and rubbing as my legs touched each other. I couldn't take it, I would bleed everyday. One day I showed a sister what was happening to me and she said Terry you shouldn't have to wear them if they do that to you. No matter what the elders believed to be the proper attire. So that is what I did I burned my hosery and and of course gossip began and so to show them what the heat and humidity and presperation did to my legs no longer did sisters look down on me and I didn't care wht the elders said. They were n't out putting in 100 hours a month in service wearing panty hose.
My mom came to Montreal for a visit and I showed her what was happening. Do you know what she did and this is only the one time I can think of that my parents helped me out. Mom went to Eatons or Simpson and bought me a long legged 18 hour playtex girdle. Now my legs never burned or bled after that but I still refused to wear the panty hose.
I w as just a little rebel. Sugar I seemed to drift away from the time in which we would go out in service. Sorry about that.
A couple of us did however, experiment with evening door-to-door work one Summer. We had much better results and very few Not-At-Homes.
Evening witnessing gets you so many more people. But I never wanted to do it--it was dinnertime, and the familes who actually did have dinner together shouldn't be bothered by a bunch of random people trying to push the magazines.
Orangefatcat, try pioneering in Texas. We used to write letters in the airconditioning late at night....watching Seinfeld of course.
I use to prefer when I was a pioneer to start in the heat of the summer at 7 AM and work until Noon.
Reason being Montreal is a huge city and people are everywhere day and night