Why do JWs mostly go door to door in the mornings?

by asilentone 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Why do JWs mostly go door to door in the mornings?

    Once upon a time, in a land very different than today, women stayed home to care for their families. Mothers got their husbands off to work and the children off to school. The rest of her morning was devoted to cleaning and washing and making her house a home for her family to return to. Her afternoons were devoted to preparing a nutritious meal.

    The way the world was when Russell and Rutherford were busy recruiting servants to sell their brand of religion mornings were most likely the best time of the day to find the women - a large army of women - who could be talked into selling books in the guise of teaching religion.

    Oh how times have changed

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Afternoons are hotter.

  • Perry
    The way the world was when Russell and Rutherford were busy recruiting servants to sell their brand of religion mornings were most likely the best time of the day to find the women

    That's how my great grandmother got snared on one side and my grandmother on the other side got inot it. Through them two, I have over 200 relatives in the JW charade.

  • AnneB
    Why do JWs mostly go door to door in the mornings?

    'Cause they're spreading an alarm...Awake!

  • parakeet

    Because they can wake up more people that way. Why pass up the chance to irritate as many people as possible?

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    My family came into it like that, too, and it spread down through the generations like wildfire. I'm a 4th and my kids were 5th. There are some 6th's in the family, too. Are you trying to say 6th's, now?

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen

    Because most houses are empty at this time and it's the cheapest way to collect hours for the report slip.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Because they're brainwashed morons

  • Hope4Others

    Because its Tim Horton's by 10:30 and the rest of the day is yours....ha ha ha

    And no ones home anyways....so you can chit chat with your friends between doors and also admire every ones gardens of flowers.


  • RR

    In my old Congo, we had "Evening Witnessing", I recall knocking on doors as late as 10 pm

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