While I am fully on your side of this, Nvr, evidence is in the eye of the beholder.
All the evidence is not clear footprints or His signature at the bottom corner of his work.
All the evidence, for lack of a better term, would be anecdotal. That is: Based on casual
observations or indications rather than rigorous or scientific analysis.
One example of evidence is a broken window. An observer could conclude that this is
evidence of a burglar, although no human tracks or fingerprints or DNA is found. The
problem with that kind of evidence is that more is needed. Is there evidence inside the
home that something was stolen?
The evidence that they use for God's existence is the same way. The casual observer
defines the universe or nature as marvelous and beautiful and says it has evidence of
a creator, but more is really needed. The scientist explains DNA and the creationist
thinks it can't be an accident but must be planned.
The rest of the evidence is anecdotal stories. "I prayed and got an answer." Stuff like
that. These are not real evidence in my opinion, but I couldn't convince most believers.
Believers see evidence FOR and are able to ignore evidence AGAINST if they allow
such stories.