You leave the Borg., your spouse stays in. Does marriage become hell?

by Hiddenwindow 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Honesty

    I quit attending all but the annual Reject Jesus Party in 2000.

    By 2003 my life had become worse than hell.

    I fixed that in October 2003 by filing for divorce from a woman who has more love for the 'Faithful Slave' than for her own family.

    By November 2004 all was good.

    It's all a matter of priority.

    Peace and joy cannot exist with the Watchtower Society stuck in the middle of 2 people.

  • wings

    For was only hell because I grew tired of being the one who wasn't doing it Jehovah's way, so therefore EVERYTHING was my fault. For instance, I was inhibiting his spirit from working, my prayers couldn't be answered so this put extra pressure on my husband to be EXTRA spiritual so that I might be shown mercy under his headship.........

    help me with thisno way to live in a partnership.

    just ignore me, having a bad day, some things are just sad......


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Hell???? How about Gehenna?

  • HSS1971

    When I was df'd, the marriage changed. I could feel it. I went from playing second fiddle to the org to playing NO fiddle at all. All of a sudden her jw friends came first. I was no longer head of the household. My ex wife treated me like I was some dumb retard. I became offended and things went down hill in less than 2 years. She even went as far as defending her jw friends' WRONG actions til she was red in the face. In hindsight, I'm glad she left me. Life is way too short to waste it on a kill joy like her.

  • karter

    You have to remember if your marrage splits it will always be the non JW's fault in the eyes of the JW's ive seen this happen more than a few times no matter what the jw partener does it's the non JW's fault.

  • logic&reason

    It depends on what kind of marriage you have...

    I know a lot of couples who stay together because they are "supposed to". If one were to drop out, the marriage would end because they have no more reason to stay together.

    The funny thing is, many JW marriages fall apart anyway. It's a complete myth that JW's have happier marriages.

    I am lucky because I have a relationship with my wife that extends far beyond religion. She is definitely not happy that I "looked behind the curtain", but fortunately, we are still happy togther.

  • zagor

    yes it does. I guess it is the time you start wondering if you married wife/husband or an organization.

    In time, though, things can change especially if marriage detonates and two of you go sperate ways. Lets say you were a husband and after seperation your wife was left there. Exposed and unprotected she suddenly started being bombarded with everything that you used to protect her from within the "god's organization". And in time she may start remembering your words more and more. I'll say only this. Don't be surprised after few years if you see changes on her you could not have envisaged in your wildest imagination just few years back. And then one day, out of a blue she says she really misses you and would want you back in her life and that you were right all along...

  • justhuman

    Sure it becomes a hell...After my disfellowshiped everything collapsed. Although I was innactive for 6 years (I was kind of persona grata)the exit broke completely my marriage. In fact I was turned to the elders for apostasy by the other "half" of mine. And it was done 2 times!!!

    The first one it was 7 years ago, and I managed to "escape" disfellowship. In the mean time I started to fade out and I become innactive. Although I never talked to anyone regarding my"doubts" I was already given the label of the "apostate" in the WT Orwellian World

    But the second time it was the final shot...Again I was reported to the elders for apostasy from the other "half"...As a result I wrote a 2 pages letter asking from the Org to give me answers!!! It was the 607 issue, 1914, changing policy like organ transplans, Russell's pyramidology and were does the great crowd stands...Well as you already guess I got NO answers, and I was told from the judical commitee that I must accept the "current truth" without any questions...

    I realize the cult mentality it was much stronger between us. She is willing to go on without me and raise alone 2 kids!!! She was willing to report me for apostasy although she knew that it would end our marriage. It is so sad, and as a person I have never forbit her to attend to the meetings and to bring the children along with her. I was respecting her "faith", but I personaly didn't want to have anything to do with that cult. It was my personal choice. But in the WT world there is no personal choice. For a Witness of the Watchtower is ok for them to go and preach, brake families apart, and it is acceptable on their behalf. But if a Witness desides that WT "religion" does not apply to them, then the Gates of Hell are opened...

    Most of Witness marriages their only bond that hold's them together is the WT. Take that away and they will colapse. Because there is no true and unconditional love. Everything is tied with the WT rule chains. And this is what I realize based upon my own personal experience. It doesn't matter if you still love them, if you are a good husband/wife and provide for the family. It doesn't matter if you are faithful to the bond of marriage. If you don't believe to the WT everything collapses. It is realy such a shame due to the fact lifes and relations have been destroyed due to the "cult" named WT...

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    Personally.....The MOST peaceful way I can attest too is the mutual respect route. If you start your will meet resistance. BUT NEVER retaliate. respect your mates decision to stay active, and do not voice your intention to become inactive. let it happen over time,and once it's done ....DO NOT pick on "the truth" to your spouse.....let her have her opiate......when, and if they are ready...they will follow your example.....if've given the respect you expect from your decision to your spouse. without belittling either them, or the BORG. Is that not all that you ask for yourself? Don't forget LOVE. Let all those justified chips on your shoulder be solely with those responsible....not your spouse. alot if not most of the people on this site have many gripes about "the truth".....and THIS is the place to voice them......DO NOT turn on your spouse. RESPECT, RESPECT, RESPECT. The future will set you free. That is unless the BORG keeps changing stuff so that the end will never which point....hey, at least you did it your way right?

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    by the way.... I really hate that this site tells me how old I am too the day.....sheesh...

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