I agree with most on here, how your marriage works usually depends on the depth of your love for each other and how much you can work through the early hurting days. If there were major marital problems before one partner left the Jw's, then all leaving will do is bring them to a head and the marriage ends. IF you both still genuinely respect and love each other time can make the marriage work.
The one thing I hate is when people say if they loved me they would leave the religion ewwww! What we innately believe is so personal, it's all about our origins and hope for the future, I would never respect a partner that basically felt he had rights over the inner workings of my mind so he can tell me what to believe (this applies both ways with the JW and the non-Jw both should respect a persons right to their own inner beliefs)
I will say one word of warning the despising factor works both ways, while you can see a remaining JW spouse now seeing you as an apostate, you can also fall into the trap of letting your new found feeling of scorn for WTs reflecting in your treatment of them and their still believing!