"Carlos, you are a wise man.
I must admit, the God in the Old Testament does seem MEAN, jealous, demanding, petty. BUT, me being human, it's quite possible there is just alot I don't understand about him.
Now, when Christ was here, he tried to show us things in human terms that we could understand. It just kinda made me feel like God has split personalities or something.
I just don't get it."
I'm hardly "wise," Dinah. Just been around the block a time or two.
With respect to the "tyrannical God" dilemma:
I found that the first thing I had to do was forget about my preconceived notions about death and destruction. My ideas are flawed...and, because we are so biased toward self-preservation, all we can see is a domineering, tyrannical God. In reality, death means squat...and life (real life, not walking zombie-life) means a lot more than we think it does. Life, when seen from an eternal perspective, has little or nothing to do with these corporeal bodies we inhabit for the time being. All that OT death and destruction stuff did was guarantee the timely arrival of the Messiah. That arrival and the faithfulness of the Messiah to the death ensures life for those who came before, during and after him. I have no problem with that. Knowledge (particularly of the big picture) is power.
The next thing I had to do was dismiss my expectations. God never disappoints me. I disappoint me. I own my expectations...and when they fail to come to fruition, it is me, myself and I who are accountable. When unrealistic expectations meet reality, reality is always the winner. Best to get real.
The third thing I had to do was de-condition my conditioning. In other words, nearly everything I ever learned was geared to benefit someone else. That is insufficient and unacceptable. All I ever learned is to "go along to get along." That gets nowhere with God and it gets nowhere here. It's not living...it's dying slowly. Why should I sell my soul to the Church of the Perpetually-Hypnotized?
The fourth thing I am currently doing: starting over from scratch. It's what re-birth is all about. All anybody ever really wants is to be loved unconditionally. It's a done-deal, a gift from above - and all we need to do is real-ize it. I terminated my membership in the "I'd never belong to a club who'd have me as a member" club.
Jehovah isn't a "tyrant." Our demands upon Him are tyrannical, however. "Unloved" people are a spiteful lot. People ought to be more careful what they ask for. If Jehovah was bow to the demands of many here and eliminate evil...who would be left standing?
More Evidence that Jehovah Is a Tyrant
by WTWizard 45 Replies latest watchtower bible
If Jehovah was bow to the demands of many here and eliminate evil...who would be left standing?
CarlosNot a one because the desire to do evil is imbedded within our DNA.
It is a constant fight to do what's right as we can all attest.
BTS - "An unpleasant lesson"? That's putting it mildly.
Hey, Sylvia...
"Not a one because the desire to do evil is imbedded within our DNA.
It is a constant fight to do what's right as we can all attest.
I can't say for sure that evil-doing has a specific chromosome identified by the Human Genome Project; but I can say for a certainty that it appears to happen spontaneously, without a lot of resistance. I'd say it has BECOME natural for us to act out in response to a lack of some subconscious "thing" critical to our lives. I have little doubt that it's the "unconditional love" previously mentioned. We all need it...and some experience it to varying degrees; but it always seems to come down to "at what cost?" The resulting gaping crevasse in our souls creates a vacuum that sucks in all kinds of stuff we like to call "love" - but it never quite fits the bill. When the lack is realized, fear and anger are the results.
There is a rule of thumb that I learned a long time ago that's helped me to put some things in perspective: "Anger is the foremost manifestation of fear - and fear is the primary manifestation of feeling unloved." As such: "Love casts fear outside."
Ninety-nine percent of the world's problems could be solved by the realization of unconditional love...and what greater act of unconditional love is there than the ransom sacrifice of God's Son on our behalf?
It's a tough sell amongst former JWs. They've been taught to believe that love is nothing BUT conditional. If they were "born-in" it's an even tougher sell. But in a world of "what has God done for me lately?" I would ask, "what else does He NEED to do?" You are absolutely 100% fear-free (and subsequently anger-free) should you choose to accept that you are, no strings attached.
28One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?"
29"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' 31The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'There is no commandment greater than these."
32"Well said, teacher," the man replied. "You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him. 33To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices."
34When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, he said to him, "You are not far from the kingdom of God." And from then on no one dared ask him any more questions. (Mark 12, NIV)
Carlos -
Who invented evil?
If you say the Devil, then you have to credit the devil as being a creator/co-creator of the universe. If you say God invented evil, then God is just as evil as he is loving or good. Either way, god at least created the potential for evil and allowed it to come into existence. Give me hell and Satan anyday over God. -
Well Rapunzel, it's just more of the same from OBVES. It just reinforces my reasons for leaving the WT. This kind of thinking makes me ill. It is always the same glossing over reality that just amazes me. Always dancing around the real issues on the table.
If OBVES is dancing then he is doing a great job of it. He is hitting the head of the nail streight on and I respect him greatfully for that. I also think he is right.
If Jehovah came to me personally tomorrow, I'd tell him he can shove it and I'm going down with the ship in protest of his bullshit.
If Jehovah came to me personally tomorrow, I'd tell him he can shove it and I'm going down with the ship in protest of his bullshit.
Bring_the_light - I see that you do repitition for emphasis.
FairMind - First of all, the word is repetition, with two e's, not "repitition."
Secondly, you write - "and I respect him greatfully." Well, I have to ask, are you grateful to/for him? Or do you greatly respect him? I would ask you to kindly make up your mind and decide.
Lastly, and most importantly, I truly cannot fathom the criteria by which you evaluate the "dancing" of OBVES. In fact, he's dead wrong in his stance. Like a mindless idiot, he simply spews his tripe. Moreover, he never answers the questions posed to him. His "logic" is "piss poor," if you'll excuse my French. His logic is as flawed as his English. But, as he is not a native speaker of English, I cannot hold his poor English speaking ability against him. What he lacks is any and all reasoning ability. Even if his English were perfect, there would still remain the glaring flaws in his reasoning.