"I love how "Christians" try to defend the OT God."
Good! "Love" is a fine start.
"The OT God has exhibited traits we would more associate with people like Hitler or Stalin."
Maybe the problem lies in the association. I don't recall the Bible saying anything about how God felt when he wiped people out. Did he gleefully kill thousands? Were the actions arbitrary...on a whim? We attempt to justify our actions based upon necessity as we see it. Others may or may not see the same necessity. Perfect justice considers necessity.
"Better is the end of a matter..." The "end of the matter" was the timely arrival of the prophesied Messiah, by which all nations would bless themselves and provide the strong possibility of a resurrection. ALL things considered...not a bad ending.
"Quit blaming God for your mistakes?"
"What about the ones that you didn't make, but He went and pretended you did anyway so you could suffer bad consequences anyway, even though you did everything perfect?"
"Pretend"? LOL...only people "pretend" - and they are expert at it. Who's done everything perfect?
If you suffer due to no fault of your own, then you're a victim of circumstance. Happens all the time. If I stumble and fall into rush-hour traffic, in that split second before I'm crushed, I should blame God for my lack of coordination? He COULD have prevented it. Why didn't he?
More Evidence that Jehovah Is a Tyrant
by WTWizard 45 Replies latest watchtower bible
Maybe the problem lies in the association. I don't recall the Bible saying anything about how God felt when he wiped people out. Did he gleefully kill thousands? Were the actions arbitrary...on a whim? We attempt to justify our actions based upon necessity as we see it. Others may or may not see the same necessity. Perfect justice considers necessity.
Sorry i just buy that, are you saying if God felt bad about killing thousands of INNOCENT babies that makes it all better? What sense did the flood make? Kill everyone but leave a few imperfect men to start all over again? Just plain stupid, clearly within a short space of time he would have the same problems. In fact a few generations down the line he has to confuse the languages because things have got so bad. Perfect justice my ass. It's all cool though if you want to worship a non existant, murderous, super jealous killing space alien then that is your choice. Myself......... not a hope
If intellectualy and emotionaly we're are made in God's image, He being a LARGER version of ourselves, we can use ourselves as a basis for comparison with a view of understanding God's limitations better. Although we can't hold to law perfectly we can make better or worse decisions, we can be more or less loving, caring, sensitive and fair. We can also be more or less proud or humble. IMO, God can too.
Also, I've come to believe the culture that existed around Him in Heaven was built on un-questioning obediance. And became an oppressively narrow culture of 'YES' similar to what the Witnesses have with the Organization. Critical thinking strongly discouraged by the majority around God with anyone one lawfully challenging God's thinking or decisions or policies on anything ostracized and marked.
IF this was the case, over time what would this do to Him? What would be the end result in His attitude and actions with everyone always saying 'yes' and few if any speaking their true thoughts and feelings of their disagreement about His positions?
Perhaps, as we often have done with the WTO, many angels just continualy supressed their disagreements and unhappy feelings with God until walking out in lawless rebellion seemed better than staying and speaking up?
Satan is the ruler of this world
Comparing Jehovah to a super-demon may not be so far-fetched. If you Google Yahweh and Magic you will find many references to the name Yahweh used in ancient magical papyri. To the Hebrews, Yahweh, also IAO, was considered the "god of this world" and was therefore potent as a name of power in magical workings designed to cause changes to occur in this world. Some Gnostic sects viewed Yahweh, also Ialdabaoth, as an evil slave-master god. Many Egyptians even identified Yahweh as their own devil god Set.