Is there still enough room for scientists in the WT?
16. Do we hear valueless things being uttered today? Yes. for example, some scientists say that evolutionary theory and scientific discoveries in other fields demonstrate that there is no longer any need to believe in God, that everything can be explained by natural processes. Should such proud statements concern us? Of course notl Human wisdom differs from divine wisdom. (1 Cor. 2:6, 7) However, we know that when human teachings contradict what God has revealed, it is always the human teachings that are wrong. (Read Romans 3:4.) Despite the progress of science in some fields, the Bible's assessment of human wisdom remains true: "The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God." Compared with the infinite wisdom of God, human reasoning is futile.-l Cor. 3: 18-20.
There's not even an attempt to refute what some some scientists say, no, all human teachings contrary to the WT are wrong, period. No study needed!
Religious antiscience
- Main article: Relationship between religion and science
A frequent basis of antiscientific views is literalist or fundamentalist theism. Here, scientific findings that conflict with what is considered divinely-inspired knowledge are regarded as flawed. Over the centuries such religious thinkers have opposed such ideas as heliocentrism and planetary motion. More recently, the religious theory of creationism, and its evolved form intelligent design, have been promoted by religious literalists to counter the scientific theory of evolution. [3]
JWs once again trapped in circular reasoning. Befehl ist befehl!