Human wisdom differs from divine wisdom.
Yes it does. The primary difference being that "divine wisdom" is shit you just made up in your head.
by hamilcarr 23 Replies latest jw friends
Human wisdom differs from divine wisdom.
Yes it does. The primary difference being that "divine wisdom" is shit you just made up in your head.
What a silly statement. Why not use the argument that everything can be explained by natural processes, ones that God put in place? They could still make the case for God. These writers do such grandstanding yet have been wrong so many times.
Didn't god once teach that the world is flat? You would think God would know his sh*t a little better than that....
See Watchtower Comment's video on this:
This is a rather 'unfortunate' Watchtower, since science is quietly beavering away unlocking the mysteries of the universe....... unlike the WT society which is not going to discover anything with it's head locked firmly up its arse.
I would just like to remind you all of a fantastic thread by Leolai, in which the scripture the WT always quotes that is supposed to proved that the Jews knew the Earth was round, infact does nothing of the sort. 'The Earth handing upon nothing', means something quite different and I cannot give the thread justice. I can only hope that this fantastic thread by Leolai can be unearthed by someone who has not got an irritable 9 year old to get in the!
I'd also just like to say, that if it wasn't for medical SCIENCE, a lot of the members of the Gibbering Boobies would already be dead and on their next great don't knock what you owe your life to!
I would just like to remind you all of a fantastic thread by Leolai, in which the scripture the WT always quotes that is supposed to proved that the Jews knew the Earth was round, infact does nothing of the sort. 'The Earth handing upon nothing', means something quite different and I cannot give the thread justice. I can only hope that this fantastic thread by Leolai can be unearthed by someone who has not got an irritable 9 year old to get in the!
I can't find it either. Could anyone provide me with a link?
Could anyone provide me with a link?
A circle is flat. It is a disk and can be experienced quite easily in the midwestern plains and in the middle of the ocean. The Bible says nothing about the earth being an orb, globe, or sphere. "The earth stands upon nothing" statement doesn't prove anything.
You might find this article interesting also, on the same theme of the 'Earth hanging upon nothing?'
Very interesting indeed. I particularly like this passage (and wrestling as well):
I want to return now to the fundamental question posed above: How should one read the Bible in light of modern scientific knowledge? This is an issue with many perspectives, and a comprehensive review belongs to another article. But I would like to share some thoughts that I offer to my students for their consideration. I agree with Nelson and Reynolds that one should not read meanings into biblical texts that are not there in order to make them conform to modern scientific knowledge. 64 Regretfully, some of their colleagues in the young earth creationist movement are prone to do just that.
Besides the earth's sphericity, Eastman purports to find references to such modern scientific knowledge as ocean currents (Isa. 43:16; Ps. 8:8), elementary particles (Heb. 11:3), and nuclear explosions (2 Peter 3:10). 65 Such fanciful eisegesis as this is matched by Morris' readings into the text of Job, whom he credits with knowledge of the hydrological cycle (28:24-27), the rotation of the earth (38:12-14), and an expanding, unbounded universe (22:12; 9:8), among other things. 66 Their writings reveal a sincere devotion to the Bible and a desire to convince others that the Bible is "scientifically accurate," but I have to say, with respect, that I think such extreme readings into the texts really do a disservice to the Bible. In claiming that Holy Scripture contains accurate scientific knowledge that only our age has caught up with, they empty these passages of their historical, cultural, or cosmological meanings and impose upon them meanings which the texts themselves simply cannot bear. As Augustine put it, so well, they find not what is in Scripture but in themselves as interpreters. 67 Consequently, what the biblical writers themselves sought to convey is lost, and the Christian who reads these and other texts through these creationist lenses is deprived of the pleasure of wrestling with their intended meanings. 68