My therapist commented that she has not seen a religion that is so concerned about the prevention of knowledge since the days of the catholic church in the dark ages. JW's are falling into that same pattern
Remarkably Blatant Antiscience Statements in This Week's WT Study
by hamilcarr 23 Replies latest jw friends
Despite the progress of science in some fields, the Bible's assessment of human wisdom remains true: "The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God."
That doesn't make sense, and shows a great ignorance on the part of the writer who wrote it.
But keep in mind that this Watchtower writer is writing propaganda, so it doesn't has to make sense, just sound good.
Question: At one time I thought they were sort of giving up on the 7,000 year long "days" of creation. I guess, what with stuff like this, that I am no longer so sure.
Probably, they are also hanging onto that James Usher - like "date for creation of Adam & Eve" as around 4000 BC, give or take a few years.
BTW - it always puzzled me to no end why they insisted on the "days" being 7000 years...obviously, the Bible does not say anything except "day". So they had to manufacture the number 7000. Given that effort (taken as it was from whole cloth) would it then have been so terribly hard to come up with a larger number of years for the day - one that sort of made a little sense given archeological and geological evidence?
But NOOOO - 7000 years it is still, I presume, after that little flirtation with (many thousands of years).
Lady Zombie
Riddle me this, FDS (and I have a feeling you watch this board)
If Jehovah created everything, including natural laws (physics, etc.), and if Jehovah wants his creation to rejoice in what he has given them, why wouldn't he want his creation to study the very same natural laws that he created? Do you mean to tell us that an all-powerful, loving, benevolent being wouldn't want his children to get to know him better by examining the things they have been given? Why would a benevolent creator want his creation to be ignorant of him and his awe inspiring power?
Surely studying the universe would draw people closer to him. Who wouldn't be in awe of that? So why the big mystery as to why you, the FDS, want to Jehovah's children to be ignorant? Does it maybe suit your purposes better to discourage people against studying the world around them?
Tell me, what would happen if JWs stopped listening to you, or at least doubting your words? You tell everyone that day in, day out, that this it "the truth." So, if something is true, it cannot be untrue. If, as you say, science has got everything wrong, then it stands to reason (think about that phrase, GB) that science will collapse in front of "God's word."
Here's a problem though. Science hasn't collapsed. And, it often casts doubt on the existence of God.
And the word is spreading.
Perhaps this is why you are twisting your religion into an oppressor. You know your time is limited as despots.