Notes from Losch's talk during "zone visit" to Hawaii (from my mother)

by Lady Zombie 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Seeker4

    I love that - Matt 24:14 has been fulfilled - then he lists over half the world's population that has no idea in hell who JWs are!

    This is the same old same old - except for this newer assertion that the good news has been preached throughout all the Earth. What utter nonsense that is. There are MORE people every day who've never heard anything about the Good News than there were the day before.

    And 3,000,000 hours a spent every day preaching? Doing what?? I was a Pioneer. I know most of that time is spent driving around knocking on doors where no one is home. Perhaps one out of every 100 hours spent in the "ministry" is actually spent talking to someone about the Kingdom. Most people see JWs as magazine and book pushers, pamphlet hander-outers. Almost no one knows anything about the idea of the good news of the kingdom from JWs!!


  • Outaservice

    3,000,000 hrs a day being spent in the preaching work? Impossible, there isn't 3,000,000 hrs. in a day. Only 24! Right?

    Outaservice (hey, I'm Dutch, what do you expect.)

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Who the hell does HE THINK HE IS....A PROPHET! Telling us about the future like some Born again Freddy Franz! Just another fool who thinks he has special powers. What a joke.

  • Jenlet

    I want to go on an all expenses paid working vacation to Hawaii in January, too.

    How can I get his job?

    I'm convinced that I'm qualified, since I too have ideas about "radiation".

  • blondie
    *** w97 8/15 p. 14 par. 11 Living for Today or for an Eternal Future? ***There is also Jesus’ prediction that "this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) Today, Jehovah’s Witnesses carry out their work in 233 lands, island groups, and territories. True, untouched territories still exist, and perhaps in Jehovah’s due time, a door of opportunity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Still, Jesus’ words recorded at Matthew 10:23 are sobering: "You will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives." While the good news will surely be announced throughout the earth, we will not in person reach all parts of the earth with the Kingdom message before Jesus "arrives" as Executioner.
  • Hellrider
    We will need to provide food and lodging for the newly resurrected ones.


    Ah yes, Djenghis Khan, we have been awaiting your arrival. Your room is on the right, next to Joseph Goebbels and Pol Pot. Enjoy your stay here at Watchtower Motels, there is a New World Translation on your bedside table. Welcome.

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    Get this.

    I talked to my father about these notes from Losch's speech. I singled out the whole eyes rotting out of their sockets/radiation thing. I qualified it by acknowleding I'm no expert, but past incidences in human history illustrate how deadly radiation can be.

    For instance, I reminded him about Chernobyl. The area around Chernobyl is still seeing devastating effects of the meltdown, like severe birth defects. Even some Japanese survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, who are now old, are still feeling effects (higher incidents of cancer, etc.) from radiation.

    Radiation pollutes and damages organic life. I told him that if "radiation may be used" during Armageddon, it would probably have to be used worldwide. And since it may be used worldwide, how can it be selective (i.e. 'the wicked')? You can't be selective with a general radiation attack.

    I told my father not to take my word for it but to Google the effects of radiation and how long radiation will stay in the environment and read up what nuclear physicists have to say on the matter.

    I asked him then how then does Losch think that will work. If Jehovah uses radiation to destroy the wicked, how can "faithful witnesses" escape the deadly effects?

    His answer......"Naturally we don't know, but obviously Jehovah himself will control it." He did concede the fact that Losch is "just speculating."

    Ok, now I'm completely effing depressed. I love my father but he just accepts stuff like this with only a superfical perfunctory questioning.

    I'm so steamed that members of the GB can talk about these horrible things, basing it on ancient scriptures and speculating what form the modern execution of these prophecies will take, and most JWs will "take it as gospel" to coin the phrase.

  • flipper

    LADY ZOMBIE- Thanks for posting this. Man, I don't understand how any of the witnesses with a sane mind can fall for the " generation " interpretation that Losch tried to hand down in this talk ! I mean, let's get real here. " The anointed Christians still living will see the fulfillment of all the things foretold regarding the great tribulation, including Jesus' execution. However we do not know if they will survive Armageddon and enter the new world. " Oh, that final statement is certainly convenient . Since they don't know for sure if the anointed will survive into the alleged , " new world ", that means they can make the generation last as long as they want , 100 years 150 years, whatever ! I have news for them. Since 1914 , 94 years has passed. The anointed of the 1920's and 1930's or even after that have died off. The new ones claiming to be of the anointed are self proclaimed anointed . Sorry Watchtower, the generation has come and gone, it's over. Look up in any dictionary- you will find a genertion is considered to be 30 to 40 years maximum. The Watchtower society is lying once again to it's members

  • VoidEater

    Governments will confiscate all religious bank accounts and property.

    That would explain the exodus out of Brooklyn.

    Jehovah may use radiation to destroy the wicked. (Yes, Brother Losch actually said "radiation").

    New Discriminating Radiation that only affects goats (and perhaps some breeds of annoying little dogs).

    At an hour that we do not think it to be, the Son of man is coming

    Some always think it's time; I never think it's time. Guess it could be any time (or no time)...

    --We will lose our homes, businesses, etc. We may be tested by how we view material things.

    Ya think?

    Jehovah's mountain-like organization will offer protection (God's Kingdom could also be the mountain that we flee to).

    Patterson, ho!

    We will have to cleanse the earth (Bible describes people traveling the earth to bury the dead)

    Aw, I thought the radiation took care of that...

    There may be special houses where the resurrections occur

    Hey, let's use Mormon Temples! Very comfy after that long sleep in the tomb. Shouldn't we have kept Beth Sarim?

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    This guy sounds like an ignorant uneducated a..hole, striving to educate others with us forbearing ignorance.

    I know most of the GB members probably don't have a High school education but Geeez this people are really stupid and even arrogant about it !

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