1) Disgusting thing standing in the holy place
Everything must have a modern counterpart that points to the WTS
or the need to be in it.
-- Terrorists, such as Al-Qaeda, are targeting political nations, not religious organizations.
See, it must be true. There are terrorist that do stuff like that already. It must be true.
-- Governments will confiscate all religious bank accounts and property. They will probably imprison clergymen and possibly kill them.
So all you congregations, don't bother holding available funds in a bank account. Just
send it to First National Bank of WT, and we will use the funds wisely for Jehovah.
(OTWO SAYS: I bet that is the entire reason for the talk.)
-- The sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven. The 2/15/94 Watchtower, page 20, indicates that this will likely be frightening phenomena in the sky more impressive than what was observed in Jerusalem . -- Josephus recorded that a comet appeared in Jerusalem in the first century and remained for 1 year (very unusual).
As long as no freak of nature appears in the sky, WTS can say NOT YET for the Great
Tribulation. They can keep collecting money and recruits.
Don't apply Luke 21:26 about men being "faint out of fear" to today.
... no matter how we have applied it to today in our prophecies of the last 100 years.
-- Matthew 24:34 "this generation will be no means pass away until all these things occur". The anointed Christians still living will see the fulfillment of all the things foretold regarding the Great Tribulation, including Jesus' execution. However we do not know if they will survive Armageddon and enter the New World .
... no matter how we have applied it in our prophecies of the last 100 years.
We still cannot identify the King of the North and should not speculate
... no matter how much we have speculated it in our prophecies of the last 100 years.
Oh, and no matter how much this very talk has speculated that terrorists occupy the
position of King of the North.
-- Zechariah 14:12 "There will be a rotting away of one's flesh, while one is standing upon one's feet; and one's very eyes will rot away in their sockets, and one's very tongue will rot away in one's mouth". Jehovah may use radiation to destroy the wicked. ( Yes, Brother Losch actually said "radiation").
"We have answers for any scripture we choose. We must know what we are talking
We must be prepared. At an hour that we do not think it to be, the Son of man is coming
Isn't he here already? If he hasn't come in some sense yet, then he hasn't inspected
the Christian forces of earth, nor has he chosen a faithful & discreet slave.
-- We will lose our homes, businesses, etc. We may be tested by how we view material things.
So if WTS praises those that are selling their homes to pioneer the rest of this system
of things, don't assume it's desparation to raise more pedophile defense fund money.
-- The Christians in the first century fled to the mountains. Jehovah's mountain-like organization will offer protection (God's Kingdom could also be the mountain that we flee to).
Everything must have a modern counterpart that points to the WTS
or the need to be in it.
Some doubt the nearness of the end because there are still so many to reach:
This whole section suggests the same old game. WTS wants to say the end is not
yet so get back to the field and save those lives, but at the same time, the end must
be imminent so hurry. Stay busy.
After Armageddon there will be a lot of work to do.Stay busy now. The rest of the talk is just YADDA YADDA YADDA.