For those who are having trouble sleeping here is a link to download the actual talk itself
by Lady Zombie 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
For those who are having trouble sleeping here is a link to download the actual talk itself
Now the whole talk can be transcribed! :)
Hi Flipper: The God damn power went off while I was answering these posts. Here in Florida, palm tree branches blow into wires once a week and short them out for a few minutes. I think I remember the talk.
Anyway, aside from every single member of the GB being a bonafide psychopath, they continue to violate Bible principles more each day. Threatening the world and JW's with a horrible death if they don't tap dance to the raving and psychotic dreams of a bunch of idiots. Jesus, how f***ing stupid can men be who have lived 70 or 80 years?? When I think of how many lives they have ruined, it makes my blood boil. I try not to believe in violence even though I'm Sicilian and have a temper with bullies, I have repeated said that IF 9/11 HAD TO HAPPEN, I wish the planes had missed the towers and hit Bethel. I'm sorry, but that's my opinion. If 3,000 people had to die, let it be those who make policy, approve of raping children (including 6 month old infants and I'm ready to vomit right now), and have any part in making books or articles that the JW's read later on. I watched the towers burn all day (I was in NJ then) and at 8 pm the smoke was drifting down the length of Long Island. I knew then how bad it was. Oh, and I heard this from a reliable source. For those who don't know the city, the towers weren't too far from the Brooklyn Bridge and the WT is right on the other side near the bridge. People were streaming over the bridge covered with dust, some couldn't breath or hardly walk. They needed clean air and water. The WT locked its doors when they saw what was happening. I know a JW who works in the city who was 8 blocks away when the towers went. He told me he tried to get in but was locked out. So why does the WT brag about being first in helping hurricane victims, etc.??
The point?? JW's also wish for innocent people to die, and to die in pain and agony. If God is so smart (I'm agnostic and will try not to offend those who believe) why can't he just blink his eyes or do a "I dream of Jeannie" nose thingie and all the bad guys just evaporate?? Can't God manage anti-matter? He has to have some angel or JW or a Star Wars probe go to each bad guy and shoot a ray gun in their face? In the Creation book, Rutherford claimed outer space was filled with ether. The knowledge of science at Bethel is pathetic. I swear, a ten year old is smarter.
What about Jesus saying to pray for your enemies? And not to gloat over the misfortunes of others? I could understand JW's enjoying the death of people in town who abused them (so what, they asked for it) and slammed doors in their faces. Understand, but not approve, they are still lunatics. But to gloat over the death of a baby or toddler just because her parents were not JW's is asinine. What about the son not paying for the sins of the father and so forth? How does the WT manage to use the verses they need and when I bring out the verses to disprove them, they call me the devil.
A sister asked a CO once back in 1977 in front of me how God could kill one billion people in China when the leaders won't allow JW's to preach and many people live in such remote places, you could never find them. His answer was "Community responsibility". I swear, that's what the jackass said. Like a bunch of 80 year old women planting rice and having no electric, water, TV, or internet are supposed to have had a fair exposure to "the truth"?? Are they supposed to form an army and attack the military?? Fifty or sixty 90 year old women with wooden sticks march up to 20 army tanks and manage to open the hatch, kill the soldiers, and capture the tanks, driving them home until needed again. Flipper, do you think they will win??
How can God punish 3 billion people who never heard of JW's? Why does a toddler who dies one hour before Armageddon get resurrected, but one who is still alive when the bell goes off dies if her parents are not JW's?? Oh, I see, that's really fair. Maybe some type of "theocratic warfare". Would the angel get a Purple Heart after slaughtering all the babies in the local hospital who are sick? Who could possibly defend such bullshit?
Hitler is supposed to be back and cured of his mental illness, according to a CO talk 20 years ago. But we here have doubts and Silent Lambs is inundated with emails from victims of abuse, will die IF we are DF'd at the time. And the congregation clapped when he said it during the talk. I felt like taking a half dozen "brothers" outside for a little lesson in mercy. (As in I wouldn't give them any.)
I know this is a bit long and with some variety, but I lived very near Bethel for 50 years and knew some GB members. Jaracz is the worst. An arrogant SOB who thinks the arrangement is Jehovah God, Jesus, some special angels (remember, they're not all the same), then himself, then the GB, and so forth. I wouldn't be surprised if he thought he was one of the 12 elders in heaven.
Well, I guess I better go buy a radiation mask and a ray gun. Maybe I can defend myself and take a few of them with me. My best to all.
Ah yes, Djenghis Khan, we have been awaiting your arrival. Your room is on the right, next to Joseph Goebbels and Pol Pot. Enjoy your stay here at Watchtower Motels, there is a New World Translation on your bedside table. Welcome.
LMFAO! Better put up signs so they don't steal the towels. Or will everyone just stay fresh as an Irish Spring while they're growing back their hair and teeth?
After 6 years away from it, I am totally amazed that I used to sincerely believe all of this. Although I must say that the picture in the "Your Will Be Done On Earth" book of the resurrection, where the dead people are coming out of the ground, gave me nightmares when I was a kid.
The audio file containing Losch's talk has been deleted!!
God keeps us informed and He cannot lie (Titus 1:2).
Ya, but the Governing Body members sure as hell can.
There will be an international statement or situation where people will cry out "Peace and Security" (1/15/03 Watchtower). This has not yet occurred. We don't know if it will be a desire for peace or a belief that peace has been achieved.
What they 'don't know' would fill a book. But we’re keeping all our options open so we can continue to try and scare the hell out of you.
--Matthew 24:14 has been fulfilled (every day 3,000,000 hours are spent in the ministry).
Too bad it wasn’t actually helping to convert people.
We still cannot identify the King of the North and should not speculate (Daniel book page 281).
Ya—maybe after all the decades of "speculating", you realize that you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about and should quit while you're still ahead.
Jehovah may use radiation to destroy the wicked. (Yes, Brother Losch actually said "radiation").
Is He going to use chemotherapy too?
Jehovah's mountain-like organization will offer protection (God's Kingdom could also be the mountain that we flee to).
How could it? I thought you just said that the governments are going to come and seize all your buildings and assets? Where exactly would 6.5 million Witnesses be running away to?
Some doubt the nearness of the end because there are still so many to reach:
Na----they doubt the nearness because you’ve been saying the same crap for 130 years and it’s still nowhere in sight.
But Jesus said that we would by no means complete the circuit of cities (Matthew 10:23).
Gosh! And here I thought that "this good news of the kingdom would be preached to "all the inhabited earth". My bad.
After Armageddon there will be a lot of work to do. Anyone who thinks the Thousand Years will be a long vacation is mistaken.
Ya....God forbid that anyone get to relax a bit after surviving the worst catastrophe in the history of mankind.
We will need to provide food and lodging for the newly resurrected ones. There may be special houses where the resurrections occur (those who died at sea won't be swimming to shore).
I hear there’s a real nice place called Beth Sarim that would be perfect for all these resurrected ones!
What a load of shit......I guess they figure that with people abandoning ‘the Troof’ in record numbers, they’ve got nothing to lose by once again, trying to whip everyone up into a frenzy. I guess the GB members figure that by the time this generation catches on, they’ll have gone the way of the Greater Do-do: Freddie Franz.