In response to your question, Does fear rule my life?
I think the answer is yes. I'm not really aware of the fear today.
I do know I am usually agitated and axious.
In the past I have taken paxil and that slowed the agitation and anxiety down. I have been off of it for a couple of years and my wife says I am much more difficult.
I spent 7 years going to AA. The last 5, I didnt have a drink for, and those 5 years were peaceful serene euphoric, like nirvana or Utopia.
I remember from all those AA meetings when I got to the gist of my problem, the bottom. It was fear.
I was lead to believe from AA that Fear, is everyones problem.
They call fear, False evidence appearing real.
The cure is faith.
Faith in the God of your understanding.
Also they taught KISS, keep it simple stupid.
If you intellectualize and kill the God of your understanding then they said "Suffer you bastard"
I have done that by believing in evolution and atheism.
If I want peace and serrenity, I cant entertain atheism and evolution.
Because for me thats not simple, Thats killing the God of my understanding.
I met a lot of people who had Rocks for Gods. They said they didnt drink. I dont know how happy they were.
AA is based on the bible, And for 5 of 7 years back in the 80's to 90's it worked and I controlled the fear that I didnt know I had.
I remember back in the 80's when I escaped the tower and went to AA, I learned to enjoy my life back then.
I bought a Harley Davidson and rode it a lot.
I bought a boat and water skiied several times a week.
I went snow skiing in Colorado and British Columbia.
I remember when I was a witness, I was a border line hypochondriac, I suspect from the negativity and guilt.
I went through a period of self hypnotizing myself with possitive affirmations regarding health and prosperity. I used methods taught by Dr. Tag Powell, and Silvia Mind controll.
I used to be able to hypnotize myself and have dental work and fillings put in without novicane. I used to do that just to show myself it worked. And it did. I wouldnt do it today.
So self hypnosis with positive affirmations and AA. got me over the fear and on to a happy prosperous life.
Now 25 years out of the tower. I have allowed myself and thoughts to become somewhat corrupted.
I have gotten to the place of being an agnostic.
Which I cant blame on the witnesses. I wont blame it on anything.
But in reflection, I read the bible cover to cover 5 times and dayly for 15 years.
After all that somehow I find myself an agnostic. Which is not good.
Because based on my past experience and memory faith is the cure to fear.
And fear is at the base of most peoples problems.
Many people say there are only 2 base emotions which are covered by all other emotions.
Fear and Love.