EXPLAIN THIS.......Real, mystical, or what?

by journey-on 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Casper


    I found your story very intriguing...

    I do believe in coincidence but, I also believe in "Fate"... there are some things that just can't be written off.

    The following is a small example of something that happen to me, I would love your thoughts on it as well....

    Living out in the country...one morning I looked out the back window and saw in our back yard, a yellow balloon on a string, attached to something on the ground. I went out to see what it was.

    The attachment was a card that said it was from an Elementary School, that had released one hundred balloons, a week prior, from Southern Oklahoma. Amazing that one had landed in our yard in Indiana, over 800 miles away.

    3 weeks later, my then husband, finds out we are to be stationed in Southern Oklahoma (USAF)... where he died 3 months later...


  • journey-on


    That is more than a coincidence. Was there anything written on the card? Were all the balloons yellow? (Yellow ribbons, yellow balloons, mean "till you come home".) Was his death due to a military action?

    The answers to these questions may hold a key as to why this yellow balloon was "sent" to you and/or your hubby.......a possible warning?......something to prepare for?

    Did you blow it off as coincidence at the time, or did you feel deep down inside it was more? Thanks for sharing that experience.

  • Casper


    I have always felt it was significant... , it was too much to be just written off as nothing, for me anyway.

    At the time I didn't think much of it, but we had not received notice of where we would be going until 3 weeks later. It came to mind and thought "WOW" that's really odd.

    The card had the name of the school and address, very near to where we were stationed. Also a request that it be sent back if found, which I did.

    I don't know if all the balloons were yellow or not, only that the one that landed in our yard was.

    No, not due to military action, I'm sad to say he committed suicide...

    My therapist upon returning home, told me it was just coincidence... I never believed that...


  • still_in74
    I will take it. COINCIDENCE. Never automatically assume that such a thing cannot be
    coincidence. Humans tend to make a bigger to-do out of simple anecdotal evidence that
    really points to coincidence.

    you know I agree with you but at the same time.....

    who here has not had a sense of Deja vu? On occasion I get these amazing senses of familiarity, almost replays of events I somehow feel I have experienced. It always weirds me out cause in my mind I say its nothing, but I cannot deny the sensation of reality at that moment.

    Why do street lights always go out as I drive under them? I could not tell you how often this happens to me. Over many years and many different vehicles I almost DAILY have street light go off as I drive under them. I told my wife this and she said I was crazy. Then as we drove around over the next few days when a light would go out I would say "there you go, light went out" it got to the point where she was weirded out! Is it nothing?? Most likely. But why the hell does this happen to me constanty.
    One time I pulled into a parking lot with 2 lights at the entrance, as I pulled in 1 went out. I made a "U" turn and when I went to pull out the second light went out. It was so dark I couldnt see to navigate out of the parking lot. Another time I was driving down the Allen expressway, 1 by 1 - 4 lights went out as I drove under them. Reflections of light off my vehicle triggering the light sensors? Probably. But this happens in all different vehicles to me.

    Okay, I'm crazy I know. But everytime it happens I get weirded out.............

  • OnTheWayOut

    It was too "too" to be mere coincidence.

    So there are not two people on earth named Xaranthetica unless God planned it
    (or some cosmic forces caused it to happen)?

    I can find stacks of books of such incredible stories that would outdo yours that
    convinced those involved that Catholicism, Buddism, Mormonism, etc. must be
    the way.

    Coincidence that is hard to believe is just that. I would still stand by saying that
    even if you ran into Xaranthetica within a few days of the events you describe, you
    would view that as an answer from God. It has nothing to do with the information
    you wanted. If you asked for proof that he went to Hell, would this serve in the
    opposite way.

    I may sound cynical, but I feel sure about this. Our mind looks for what we want
    to find- we find it.

  • quietlyleaving


    I've just finished reading The Field by Lynne Mctaggert.

    Very interesting. All about how intentions effect potentialities in the quantum world. But what made me laugh was that women always influenced the machine thingy the opposite way to what they intended - (sounds familiar). Guys' results went the way they intended.

  • OnTheWayOut

    What is the cosmic or spiritual message from the yellow balloon from Oklahoma?
    Is there some cosmic message in lights going out as you are the one to pass them?

    I have actually experienced the lights phenomena, but not to that extent. Go out
    on a golf course in the path of an airport runway. When a plane takes off or lands,
    it only creates one shadow on the ground from the sun, but see how often that
    shadow crosses your path. If it is a bunch of times, is it a cosmic message?
    What's the message? Try standing more to the side on the next hole, it happens
    again. Why? What is the universe trying to tell me? It's a coincidence.

  • trevor
    "Hi, my name is Sidney. I’ll be your waitress tonight.

    I think I have cracked the puzzle.

    Sidney was a man who had a sex change but wanted to keep his handle.

  • Casper


    Thank you for the very kind PM...


    That is just amazing... that would really Freak me out...

    I realize everyone has an opinion, but for myself, I am not hurting anyone by believing things can be more than they seem.


  • journey-on

    So far, what I see is that some people are more in tune with certain "cosmic energies" (I have this in quotes

    because I don't have the language necessary to describe it), and this enables them to

    commune on another level when everything is in perfect synchronicity to receive the "transmission".

    Others will never understand this kind of thinking no matter what. Their heels are dug in so

    firmly in the classic definition of rationality that they will toss aside any and all extrasensory explanation

    that even hints at anything unseen interacting with our physical existence.

    Just two different ways of seeing the world. I try to keep my feet firmly planted on the ground, but I am

    always consciously aware when I get that feeling of heightened perception. I don't want to miss anything.

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