EXPLAIN THIS.......Real, mystical, or what?

by journey-on 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • winnower

    JO, I believe that what you experienced is confirmation that your prayers are heard. Someone is listening. When you pray it does not have to be a spoken word. Prayers often come from the heart up into the mind. There is a supernatural communication. There is a link. He knows our heart and our hearts desire. I have had several experiences like that. I know Jesus hears prayers. I know the Holy Spirit was sent to give us comfort. And some of my experiences, like yours, have made me laugh and cry at the same time because the True Creator has an awesome sense of humor! Prayers are answered. We just have to learn how to listen. Winnower

  • Hope4Others

    I don't want this to sound pro-jw but I believe god can use imperfect agents to help us in desperate times. God is not a religion.

    I was 18 at the time I lived in Texas all my family lived 1000's of miles away from me. I felt all alone and had no close friends as yet, I was new

    to the area. I was at a desperate time in my life I so needed help but had no one to ask for help. I lived in an extremely abusive relationship.

    I prayed like I never prayed before, I was not a witness at this time. I prayed for god to help me, please send someone please send a witness

    I so need your help God.

    I usually did not wake up early and I could not hear anyone even if they knocked at the door. For some reason I don't no why, but I woke early I got dressed

    I never had done that, but I was so tired I layed on the couch it was next to the door. At 9:30 am a knock came at the door guess who, yes witnesses...

    I have never been able to get past that experience nor explain it...but she did help me and I was able to leave the situation I was in.



  • OnTheWayOut
    ....some people are more in tune with certain "cosmic energies"....

    Others will never understand this kind of thinking no matter what.....

    I really do understand what you are saying.

    Here's my little story.
    Many people have big dreams of making it on the pro basketball court or to
    win at Wimbleton or some other sport. Not all of them make it. But equally
    talented people recognize it as a pipe dream and stop wasting energy on
    dreaming. They go to work instead. NONE OF THEM MAKE IT. Only the
    dreamers even have a chance.

    You could apply that to Singing, acting, sports, a few other fields. You have to
    be a dreamer to actually succeed in those fields. Others of us go to work, pay
    the rent so our dreamer family members can eat everyday. We keep rubbing it
    in when our dreamers don't make it, then we want a piece of the pie if one of them
    actually does make it.

    You have a very optimistic outlook in life. You may be heading in the wrong
    direction spiritually or cosmically (sp). But us practical people will never
    attain Nirvana. We don't even believe it exists. We won't waste our time on
    chasing it. Even if it truly doesn't exist, I will never find it and you will think you
    did. I will not try to convince you to end your dreams. If you feel "in tune" why
    should I mess up your smooth running with practicality. Dream on, Journey-on.
    Your positive outlook might be enough to make the difference even though there
    is no Nirvana in the universe.

  • journey-on

    Just for the record, considering the current topics about such things, I do not consider my experience paranormal...

    I consider it a spiritual experience. Just wanted to clarify that because there seems to be some confusion among

    some as to the definition of such experiences.

  • Fadeout

    How many people have won lotteries when the odds were millions to one against them?

    Were all of these due to mystical or spiritual influences?

    Extend the law of large numbers to other areas of life. How many people have had incredibly unlikely things happen to them at a seemingly significant time in a seemingly significant way?

    I've given the example of the friend who was praying to God to show her the way when the JWs knocked on the door.

    Some may say "well it could have been what she needed at the time."

    Such bogus reasoning assumes that some mystical force is trying to help us... what about the infant on the other side of the world who that moment died of malnutrition?

    Hundreds of thousands of JWs visit millions of houses every day. A certain small percentage of those houses will contain a person asking God for help.

    Millions of people every day ask God to show them a sign. Millions find the answers in whatever tickles their fancy.

    Bible-God would tell in advance what he was going to do and then do it. He allegedly gave an unmistakable sign that Aaron was to be high priest when his rod budded. He allegedly consumed Elijah's sacrifice with fire from the sky. That'd probably make me a believer, too.

    If mystical phenomena is also real, it follows that this real phenomena should behave like other real phenomena and have a certain level of predictability and reproducibility.

    Journey-on, your thread title says explain this... I'd chalk it up to coincidence no matter how bizarre the name of the waitress was. What, did she obtain that name only minutes before you came into the restaurant, in response to your cosmic inquiry? Or had she had that name all her life, and today was simply the day she coincidentally met someone to whom that name had a particular significance?

    I am completely open to the possibility of there being more going on in this universe than we're aware of, but for the most part the "evidence" offered of mystical phenomena simply does not qualify as genuine.

  • Casper
    I never had done that, but I was so tired I layed on the couch it was next to the door. At 9:30 am a knock came at the door guess who, yes witnesses


    I had something similar....

    After about a 2 year fade... I was confused and sorta prayed that if the witnesses were really right, that God send me a sign of some sort...I felt at the time the only meeting I could possibly handle would be the book study...

    The next day I was in a Hardware store of all places, and out of the blue, the one and only Witness that I would ever feel comfortable telling my problems to, walks up to me and invites me to the book study...!!!

    Really freaked me out...

    I didn't go, obviously... but it did make me wonder.


  • inkling
    do not consider my experience paranormal... I consider it a spiritual experience.

    And what exactly is the difference?


  • journey-on

    Fadeout....thanks for your input. Let me address one part of your post:

    If mystical phenomena is also real, it follows that this real phenomena should behave like other real phenomena and have a certain level of predictability and reproducibility.

    Why? We don’t have the science as yet to measure this "phenomenon". But, just like unseen things like gravity, magnetism, radio waves, etc., there may come a day when this energy will be identified and measured. I don’t know. Meantime, on occasion, I believe sometimes if we are in synchronicity with its vibration (even if accidental), and we are open to answers, we catch the communication, and grow a little bit more toward a higher spiritual awareness. Most of the time, mankind’s daily existence contains too much static and interference emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. But every now and then when things are in near perfect harmony, you are able to tune into it.

    Journey-on, your thread title says explain this... I'd chalk it up to coincidence no matter how bizarre the name of the waitress was. What, did she obtain that name only minutes before you came into the restaurant, in response to your cosmic inquiry? Or had she had that name all her life, and today was simply the day she coincidentally met someone to whom that name had a particular significance


    My answer was there and I was able to see and hear it and I knew it with a certainty beyond any doubt. That’s all I know.

    I am completely open to the possibility of there being more going on in this universe than we're aware of, but for the most part the "evidence" offered of mystical phenomena simply does not qualify as genuine.

    I respect your stance……it’s all in one’s personal journey. No one should judge another’s path taken. Discuss it, give your experiences and opinions, but don’t judge.

  • trevor

    EXPLAIN THIS.......Real, mystical, or what?

    Are we all agreed then?

    The correct answer is what

  • journey-on
    do not consider my experience paranormal... I consider it a spiritual experience.

    And what exactly is the difference?

    Inkling, this is how I see the difference:

    A spiritual experience is more like an extension of consciousness or interconnectedness with a universal flow of spiritual energy, and usually involves existential questions of meaning and purpose. You feel an expanded awareness and a kind of transendence that results in a feeling of personal spiritual growth, perhaps bringing new meaning or a clearer understanding of something.


    For me, paranormal is exactly what good ole Wikipedia defines it as:

    Paranormal is an umbrella term used to describe unusual phenomena or experiences that lack an obvious scientific explanation. [1] In parapsychology, it is used to describe the ostensibly psychic phenomena of telepathy, extra-sensory perception, psychokinesis, ghosts, and hauntings. The term is also applied to UFOs, some creatures that fall under the scope of cryptozoology, purported phenomena surrounding the Bermuda Triangle, and other non-psychical subjects. [2] Stories relating to paranormal phenomena are widespread in popular culture and folklore, but some organisations such as the United StatesNational Science Foundation have stated that mainstream science "does not support" paranormal "beliefs".


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