Appendix on DF in New Book released at Convention 2008

by InquiryMan 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    did anyone scan this?

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Maybe you can send a PM to whoever scanned the blood info....


  • NestleBoy

    Here are scans from pages 207-209 of the "Keep Yourself In God's Love" release.
    I don'k know how to imbed images, so click on the two links below to see those pages.

  • LearningMore

    Thanks NestleBoy. It looks like things are getting pretty strict again. Really harsh regarding family members living outside of the home, and extending even a "hello" greeting to a DF'ed person.

  • asilentone

    thats why I will never confess my sins!

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Maybe its the clarity of being so distanced from the BORG teaching, But I never noticed how they dont put a face on the DF'd person. They continually say relative. They dont say son or father and damn sure aint gonna say loved one. 'Disfellowshipped one' 'disfellowshipped relative' these are the terms used to describe and distance the true relationship.

    On top of that they further minimize the process by saying how 'limited association' should be kept to a 'minimum.' Its amazing how they use words of an NLP or hypnotic nature to further their control over the R&F.

  • garybuss

    This is how witnesses want to be treated. Only I double the measure in reply. Their game, my rules.

  • orangefatcat

    Thanks for the scan, what a bunch of drivel. I can't believe they harp on this subject all the time. They just want to put fear in every witness and they do a fine job accomplishing that mission. So many witnesses are afraid of their own shadows. I know I felt like I was always be watched like i was a specimen under a microscope or being probed. What a dreadful feeling to have. Well now i am free of that terrible feeling and am happy to be some what sane"

    "Quit mixing with a brother who is such and such ". Well hells bells what greater sin then the ones the WTS has committed in comparison to a single sin and only have prayed for God to forgive them while the WTS says we are wicked, not to be associated with or eat with or say a greeting to us. Well they have a lot to answer for to God while they have got caught fornicating with the UN's and the unforgivable conduct of sexual pervision in the organization. Those poor innocents who have suffered so badly from so called non wicked JW's . They have killed persons by not allowing them to have transplants, blood, plasma, and then they change their policies so much, but in the meantime what about the thousands and thousands who have died for nothing. It sickens me so when the WTS feels they are God's righteous servants and yet they have done so much evil unto people who thought they were obeying God. Suicides and major depression are rampant in the WT. organization. Who is to blame for that? How would a God of love who says in many scriptual texts that God forgives over and over again and what about JC who said that we should forgive our brothers not seven times but seventy seven times.

    How is that the GB can't see those texts in the Bible? Are they the ones blinded? The whole thing is this that the organization lead by people to believe that this is the truth and yet when people look for the indepths of truth they are dropped or called apostates. But it is okay for them to do what ever they want to and get away with it.

    I suppose they figure that they are indestructable or invincible. No harm should come to live because they uphold the laws of God. who are they kidding? It makes me crazy when they use this statement ,"the light is getting brighter and brighter and what we did in the past we are forgiven. Give me a break they think they are forgiven but in reality they are making excuses for their sins, but they the organization can't forgive us. They are corrupt and hypocrites and Jesus aptly knew their deeps and works of wickedness. You can't fool God.

    I hope I live to see the WTBTS becomes bankrupt and are sued till the money in their coffers are completely empty. God is not one to be mocked and the WTS has mocked God and HIs laws for over a hundred years. Just recently I discovered the Charles Taze Russell was not the first president of the WTS it was a person by the name of Conley, His father Joseph was vice president and CT Russells was the treasurer. They lie and keep people under control by threat of disfellowshiping because we may be asking too many questions. The GB don't want people to know of their errors it would make them look stupid.

    I am just angry that so many people are blinded by this organziton. And the innocent are blinded by them.


  • nameless_one

    Thanks for posting those scans, NestleBoy.

    Does this new wording change or alter whatever the previous "policy" was the last time it appeared in print? If it does, what are the differences, and what (and where) was the previous wording?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    The WTS is losing control of JWs. ex-JWs have too much information that they are willing to share with active JWs. The men in charge can no ;onger control access to information. The internet makes it far too easy for JWs to do a bit of research and learn about what really goes on and how they have beed fooled

    The more JWs learn, the greater control and fear-mongering the big shots have to use to maintain control over people.

    They are bleeding and are trying to use a tissue to stop the hemmoraging

    It ain't gonna work and we all know it

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