Sacolton, my deepest apologies if I have offended you by using the term 'church', it certainly wasn't my intention to do so. Obviously you are very concerned about how genuine I am. I can assure you I was a baptised third generation witness, I went through some absolutely horrendous things that I do not discuss. This is the first time I have ever discussed witness orientated issues with people who used to be witnesses. Since I have only discussed these things with people who have no knowledge of witnesses and how they operate I have simply referred to the institution as the 'church' to make communication a little easier. Last night I saw that people here refer to it as the Borg which is much more appropriate, and slightly amusing. Again I apologise for having offended you. I am aware that these issues are sensitive and there is for each of us a lot of background context which is difficult to transfer into the world of forums easily. Perhaps I am out of my depth here if I am using the wrong language. My apologies.
Why I will NEVER be an elder again
by stillajwexelder 138 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm an elder's son and I'm currently attending college. Here's my thread:
Yeah, it's the fault of getting a college education, that people are leaving the org.
OK Vinny
Many years ago, even before this diktat, I recall a brother and his wife practically being threatened with disfellowshipping if they allowed their son to go to university. They left a 2-3 years later when they discovered that one of the Elders who had a go at them, was going to let his daughter go to university.
Coming to a kingdom hall real soon. A very special announcement! We will no longer be accepting for baptism any person young or old that is even thinking about higher education i.e. college! Any witness now presently serving in a position of responsibility will be removed immeadiately upon learning that such a one was going to night classes behind our backs.
Exception, our own watchtower lawyers, doctors, engineers etc.
Have those old geezers looked realistically at the job market lately?
Burger Time
Yea the great irony in all this is that those who do go to college and stay get used by the RBC or any other group that can use them. A few years ago there was a stink in the local hall because two girls decided they wanted to be doctors. I think both of them left the org but you wouldn't believe the crap they caught for it (actually you would believe it but a worldly person wouldn't). I think I was one of the only people who actually defended their choice, I explained to my Mom that at the very least they could be used in the local hall because lot's of JW's are untrusting of doctors and many doctors do not know much about the blood doctrine or JW's in general. At the most they would be used at Bethel...that made my Mom change her tune a bit. Still it's just funny that during college bad but after now that we can use your expertise some how it's all good baby!
As for the question of "allowing" your adult child to go to college, sure they don't have legal control over an adult, but they can kick you out of the house, refuse to help you financially, plus they are obligated to talk you out of it.
I went through this with my dad, he was a society man, and in being one, he was obliged to discourage me from going to college, he made it clear he would not give me one red cent or any moral support to go to college.
And folks even though this is a new directive, it isn't really new at all. In all of the congregations I attended back in the 1970's through the early 90's, a ministerial servant would not be promoted to an elder in the first place if he didn't fall in step with mama org's teachings. If any brother were promoting college they would be viewed as worldly and would not advance up the theocratic ladder. The only college degreed brothers were converts.
By thw way, have I ever mentioned how much I hate this cult? j/k, as I'm sure you all know by now.