Vinny, I was present and can confirm what passwordprotected said from the CO meeting:
The context was a little more precise, however. In the context the elder and his wife were PROMOTING college education, they were talking about how their child getting a good eduction will mean FINANCIAL SECURITY FOR THEM, and the kid was attending a college AWAY from home. This elder's qualifications would be questioned. The context also featured an example of a child who went to a local college (part-time), the kid still aux-pioneered when they could, was used in the cong., and was planning to reg-pioneer after graduating. In this example the elder's qualifications would be safe.
I reviewed how our CO handled it. He particularly condemned the GOING AWAY to college part, which is completely unfair. Those that are in college towns and get accepted locally, congrats! Just keep up appearances, and you're blessed. Where we are, there is no "local college". So, "no college education" is very clearly stressed here, since it would involve GOING AWAY.
Yes, an elder or MS who supported a child going away to college would be removed... if the other elders or CO decided to make an issue of it. No, it probably won't be in print. That's why they have the CO/Elders' meetings. What's stated is to be enforced exactly as if it were in print, but it's kept out of prying eyes to prevent 'reproach on Hojovah's name'.
In the 80s I attended a community college in hopes that it would be useful to Bethel service. At the Bethel meeting and interview, the brother told me that Bethel needed spiritual men, and would give the training needed. I should review what was published about the dangers of higher education, and it would call my spirituality and my father's qualifications into question. In a roundabout way, he told me that I should quit school and pioneer, since the end was sooooo close. So, I did. Then, I went to Bethel, and I found.... COLLEGE GRADUATES WERE ACCEPTED AND BLESSED !!!!
I found this bottom line in my experience: When you go to college, you're a worldly, materialistic, sinner that Hojovah is gonna slaughter !!!! When you graduate, you're a blessed gift to Hojovah's Worldwide bOrganization !!!
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