Good for you.
Why I will NEVER be an elder again
by stillajwexelder 138 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They really are NUTTY , aren't they ? Of course, we already know the answer to that ! I have to say, it really is crazy though.To remove elders because they want their kids to have an education clearly shows what an incredibly high control group they are.....and it's obviously getting worse.I also thought is was interesting that they said if he even ALLOWS his kid to go to college.I guess they want him to tie the kid down or kick them out.Just nuts !!!
How can you hold a man responsible for what his adult child decides to do?
undercover, they do it when the adult child lives under the father's roof. No matter the age, the father is held responsible for his "child's" actions. I have seen fathers interrogated about the actions of their 18 plus children who do not live at home. The father in question told them where to put their question.
*** w88 3/1 p. 24 par. 5 Responsible Childbearing in This Time of the End ***Of course, Christian elders and ministerial servants cannot be held responsible if their children, once of age, refuse to continue serving Jehovah. But they are responsible for their minor children and for older children who are still living under their roof.
At latest round of CO to Elders meeting, the CO quoted from the Society outline. Any elder or MS who encourages college for his kids or others or who allows his children to go to college will no longer qualify.
You gotta be kidding me! There's a shortage of 'qualified' brothers as it is, and many have already been themselves or have let their own kids go through university during the more relaxed '90s. That directive is going stick in many elders' craw. And naturally, the Scriptures cited to warrant such a disqualification were ... ?
Was this at the same CO visit where they hammer Higher Ed in one of the talks to the congo?
wha happened?
Blondie beat me to it. My old business partner caught hell about his adult son who was still living in the house.
Great job! I bet he'll lose some sleep.
You know, it's crap like this that is going to open more eyes than anything "apostates" do.
That is way cool this means the Society will be hemorraging Congregational Overseers. Good, pretty soon there will be nothing left but high school educated or home schooled men to run the congregations. I see it going down quick this kind of rules. LOL
People without degrees cannot get many of the jobs that used to be plentiful for those with some college or just high school diplomas. It's scandalous for them to discourage anyone from obtaining a degree.