If this outline can be procured...o wow. I had so many elders telling me going to college was ok.
Why I will NEVER be an elder again
by stillajwexelder 138 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Stilla: all hail! good on you...
THANK YOU STILLA for standing up for this very important issue. My hope is other elder fathers (&Moms) get these kids into higher-ed. More importantly, leave all together as to not to propagate it.
just my 2 cents
I am amazed with the speed at which the WTS is hastening its own demise. They are painting themselves so far into a corner this time... I don't think they will be able to worm their way out with the typical batch of "new light".
College enhances the thinking process and of course the WT does all the thinking for the JW's
so therefore college is evil. How dare you or your children learn how to reason, think, evaluate and make
logical decisions. All you need to do is listen to us and do as we say. Yeah right.
Lady Zombie
So the PO confirmed what many on this board already know. At latest round of CO to Elders meeting, the CO quoted from the Society outline. Any elder or MS who encourages college for his kids or others or who allows his children to go to college will no longer qualify.
Is this just for the present and recent past?
I'm 37 and living on my own but my father allowed me to go to college when I got out of high school. It is well known in the congregation that I'm college educated.
My father is wanting to become an elder. I wonder if they're going to disqualify him. And if they don't allow him to become an elder, will they tell him why.
Then I wonder how my father will react. I see only 2 possibilities; 1) he'll be taken aback and maybe will start questioning the bOrg, or 2) he'll take the blame, and say that he should have been a better parent, and encouraged me more to not pursue wicked secular education. He'll then believe that he has been a failure, both as a parent but also as a JW.
I'll hope for 1 but I expect 2. Sad.
Good lord! Next it will be only blue suits or no pink shirts!
Just when I was thinking about going back, too. Forget about it now!
Stilla why do you torture yourself by attending at all?
Wow, that is incredible. I would love to see if we can get hold of any official document ie "letter to elders" that states as much.
No "in writing" direction was given. It was only orally delivered during the elders meeting with the CO.
I thinks educatchun is bad becaze it means puting Jehovas Kingdom last.... you shold recunsider, you silly apostat! Window cleaning roks!
Congrats to standing up to those morons! I really wish that I could have been there.