Kudos, Stilla! I know that must have felt GREAT to get that out in the open, no holes-barred.
Personally I am flabbergasted by this. I have been under the impression that the society was LOOSENING the bindings (blood fraction allowances, less demands on service and meeting times) not TIGHTENING the reins...
I guess they really do realize that they can only hang onto the ones with no education and no internet access.
I always figured that, since it was the (T)ruth (tm) after all, what could I possibly learn in college that would disprove the only true religion of the most high god? And of course, here I am. Ha. Case in point for them, or for me? Looks like that which is TRULY Truth would get stronger by all things learned, not torn apart.
Thanks for this. I'm rather stunned. This is indeed an interesting development.
Why I will NEVER be an elder again
by stillajwexelder 138 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I really hope the r&f become aware of this. I suspect this is another one of those things that are spoken but not going to be in print. Elders: write your own interpretation in your personal Flock book. I know of 2 prominent elders in my hall that have recently said they'd send their kids to univ. if they want to go. They still have a couple years before they have to make that decision, but should be interesting. I doubt they'd remove the elders in my hall. Maybe they'd be encouraged to step down??
I remember when the WTS was encouraging young ones (if they reeeally wanted further schooling) to attend trade schools or a local 2-4 yr. college so they'd still live at home and be able to attend meetings/service with their families. They didn't like the idea of teenagers being in the dorm setting with total freedom and being surrounded by overdrinking and sexual encounters. It sounds, like one poster mentioned, that the elders will only have the ultimatum of stepping down or being removed if their kids live at home OR sending their kids away to univ. to that "dangerous" environment and not being responsible for them cuz they're not under their roof anymore.
Yet another thing that I think the brotherhood won't be united in. Some congos will be hardline and others will overlook it. I feel bad for the unfortunates that happen to live in the first category.
We had a similar meeting - ironically our CO is somewhat pro Uni so he watered down the official WTS line somewhat. An elder in a neighbouring cong who has a child in college is under severe pressure from some on his body to quit - despite him being one of the most competent & zealous elders in the cong.
My comments ... http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/156044/1.ashx
A huge flip-flop from the early 90's where the WTS explicity said that parents who encouraged higher education should not be criticised.
w9211/1pp.17-18pars.9-10EducationWithaPurpose***How much education does a young Christian need in order to respect these Bible principles and meet his Christian obligations? This varies from country to country. By and large, however, it seems that the general trend in many lands is that the level of schooling required to earn decent wages is now higher than it was a few years ago. Reports received from branches of the Watch Tower Society in different parts of the world indicate that in many places it is difficult to find jobs with decent wages after completing simply the minimum schooling required by law or in some countries even after finishing secondary or high school.
What is meant by "decent wages"? It does not indicate highly paid jobs. Webster’sDictionary defines "decent" in this context as "adequate, satisfactory." What might be termed "adequate," for instance, for those who wish to be pioneer ministers of the good news? Such ones generally need part-time work to avoid putting "an expensive burden" upon their brothers or their family. (1 Thessalonians 2:9) Their wages might be termed "adequate," or "satisfactory," if what they earn allows them to live decently while leaving them sufficient time and strength to accomplish their Christian ministry.....
16 So when parents and young Christians today, after carefully and prayerfully weighing the pros and cons, decide for or against post secondary studies, others in the congregation should not criticize them. If Christian parents responsibly decide to provide their children with further education after high school, that is their prerogative.
At latest round of CO to Elders meeting, the CO quoted from the Society outline. Any elder or MS who encourages college for his kids or others or who allows his children to go to college will no longer qualify.
I think I would have asked the CO right then and there if he could please point to a scripture in the bible that would back up this decision. Hmmm.....as I recall, the qualifications for being an elder are:
- Blameless as a steward of God; above reproach (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:6-7)
- Husband of one wife; (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:6)
- Temperate, sober, vigilant (1 Timothy 3:2)
- Sober-minded, prudent (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:8)
- Of good behavior; orderly, respectable (1 Timothy 3:2)
- Given to hospitality (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8)
- Apt to teach; able to teach; he can exhort believers and refute false teaching (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:9)
- Not given to alot of wine (cough, cough......we don't know any elders that do that right?) (1 Timothy 3:3, Titus 1:7)
- Not violent, not pugnacious (1 Timothy 3:3, Titus 1:7)
- Patient, moderate, forbearing, gentle (1 Timothy 3:3)
- Not a brawler; uncontentious; not soon angry or quick tempered (1 Timothy 3:3, Titus 1:7)
- Not covetous; not a lover of money; not greedy of base gain (1 Timothy 3:3, Titus 1:7)
- Rules well his own house; his children are faithful, not accused of rebellion to God (1 Timothy 3:4, Titus 1:7)
- Not a novice; not a new convert (1 Timothy 3:6)
- Has a good report or reputation with outsiders (1 Timothy 3:7)
- Not self-willed (Titus 1:7)
- A lover of what is good (Titus 1:7)
- Just, fair (Titus 1:8)
- Holy, devout (Titus 1:8)
- Self-Controlled (Titus 1:8)
Hmmm.......gee I don't see anything there that says in order to be an elder, you cannot encourage your children to get a good education.......Isn't that 'going beyond what is written'???
I guess they'll have to dig Albert Schroeder out of his grave and discipline him for sending his son to college as he was a member of the governing body. Oh- I forgot the same rules don't apply to the governing body as the normal rank and file witness members.
Exactly......Crooklyn Brothel will only take you now if you've got skills that are acquired through "higher education", but of course, it's a big no-no for the R&F.
I heard from 2 elders and 1 MS on separate occasions that this was delivered in the pep-talk the CO has with the elders & MS (normally Friday evening of the CO visit).
I understand it isn't an instant removal for having children at college, but rather that it is not to be promoted. So an elder can send his kids to college, but if he weaves this into his next public talk then that's a no-no.At latest round of CO to Elders meeting, the CO quoted from the Society outline. Any elder or MS who encourages college for his kids or others or who allows his children to go to college will no longer qualify.
The 2 accounts are similar, but of course "option B" is much stronger than "option A". I would imagine that each individual CO will color the Society's outline according to his own personal prejudices. Older and/or more conservative COs will likely opt for the "option B" approach. One of the accounts above is from the UK, the other from the US - I wonder if the outline is identical in different countries?
Unfortunately, I doubt that anyone will be able to produce a scan of the outline - it is something for CO eyes only, and they won't even let an elder look at it, much less hold it long enough to make a copy. So unless there is a current CO posting on the board, we won't see it.
In any case, it smacks of desperation on the Society's part. It is a virtual "loyalty oath" - support us on our Luddite view of higher education, or lose your "privileges". And for the significant number of elders who enjoy having their ego stoked, just the threat of loss of privileges will cause them to fall all over themselves condemning university education.
I suspect this is just the beginning - look for more threats of "loss of privileges" for elders who don't toe the party line on other extra-biblical organization-derived arbitrary rules as the years go on.
gee I don't see anything there that says in order to be an elder, you cannot encourage your children to get a good education.......Isn't that 'going beyond what is written'???
Mary, Mary, Mary...apparently you weren't paying attention at Sunday's Watchtower study!
Right there, in the 4/15 Watchtower, 1st study article, it says that "elders do not go beyond the things written in the Bible. And by extension, they do not go beyond the written direction from the "Faithful & Discreet Slave'."
So you see, the letters to the Bodies of Elders are on par with the Bible!
I'm rather concerned about your spirituality, sister....perhaps you are allowing Satanic propaganda to influence you...obviously, the solution is to pray, study, and attend more meetings.
Lrkr, borrow my avatar all you want.
What's the silver lining here? Many will forego or lose privileges to
do what they want to do for the benefit and welfare of their children.The sad part is that some kids won't get support from their family,
and some will miss out on college. Most that want to go will go, so
for many it is just a delay or an obstacle. -
I really wonder how this will effect those who did not go to college because Armegettinoutofhere, was right around the corner(75"). Now they are, for the most part, struggling in dead end jobs, are they going to let that happen to their kids? Having said that my sister-in-law's sisters son finished high school and was brilliant and wanted to be an architect. Instead of college he is basically apprenticing at a design firm (WTF)!!!The dad is an Elder so now I get it.
Mickey mouse
Right there, in the 4/15 Watchtower, 1st study article, it says that "elders do not go beyond the things written in the Bible. And by extension, they do not go beyond the written direction from the "Faithful & Discreet Slave'."
LOL, that was my first though too! That's some get out of jail fre card isn't it?
White Dove
I see JW's living in the streets or in their parents' basements for the rest of their lives because the demand for qualified secular workers is just going to keep going up and up and up. I don't see the world backstepping and making a hs diploma good enough. A BA is barely good enough now in the humanities field.