hello i posted here a few months back in february about a situation i had with a jw girl. if i last recall from that time she wasnt "feeling" me during that time. but now all that has changed. me and her are stronger then ever(or so how we both see it). we admitted our true feelings to each other a month ago. right now everyhitng is going great. of course she may still be a jw, she never always seem to bring up the topic or even mention her religion at all unless i ask about her meetings she has. i wouldnt say she isnt afraid to talk about or forgets about it(cus we both know its still there). though i just have a quick question to ask you guys. most jw parents are strict when it comes to dating,talking, being around non-jw people. what is most reactions to when they find out about, for example a jw girl talking to a non-jw boy? do they tell them that never to talk to them again, they are bad people.etc? i ask is because her parents kind of found out about us awhile ago. they only thing they told her is to not talk to me on the phone again, her dad sorta threatning her to put her in home school at the time. so she "pretended" to break off the talk with me. But what was strange with when she told me what else happen is that her parents never brought it up again nor said anything else about it. they know she talks to me at school but school will end in a week so they most likely think she wont talk to me during the summer. so yea can anyone answer my question earlier of most jw parents reactions?
a relationship still going...
by xig28 14 Replies latest social relationships
Still in school? Your young, be prepared to have your heart broken.
JW parents are strict regarding romantic relationships, you'll have a difficult time this summer seeing her.
her parents never brought it up again nor said anything else about it
Both the parents and the daughter are in denial. Kind of like in a regular family, finding out that a child is gay. Often the parents will pretend it never happened in the hopes that the child will stop being gay.
Very likely the same thing is happening here. The parents are hoping over time your romance will fade and they won't have to talk about it again. I wouldn't be surprised also if they start introducing her to eligible "brothers" at the conventions and assemblies.
The parents will most likely have the elders talk to the girl. It is strictly encouraged that JWs marry in "the truth" - which means to marry someone from within their religion. The problem is that JW girls have it bad because the male/female ratio stinks. There are more females than males, so the pickings are slim. Which might explain why she is looking outside the congregation. Is she a baptised JW? If so, things could go downhill fast.
jgnat. i have thought have that b4. i kinda figured the reason why they never bring it up again was because it will soon fade away. and i wont lie maybe i am in school, young, maybe getting heart broken if things dont go my way, but that wont stop me from trying to stay with her. i always have thought that her parents, and other people in the religion will most liekly try to introduce her to other people and such.But why say they would be in denial especially saying she is in denial as well? i would assume like you say that they think she will lose interest me some time later on but they dont know much about our relationship. thankfully her parents didnt ask her everyhting about us. actually another thing to add she has been introduced to other "brothers" but she has no interest in them at all. she tells me she talks to them but has no interest in them at all. over time i will keep undating on our situation.
hello again people. so im posting again with a situation i find interesting. it doesnt neccesarily involve my jw girl. so my grandmother who is also a jw was somehow told that i wanted to be apart or study up for the jw. now when i heard this i started laughing in way but thought about it thinking it could be a good experiment and just go along with it. i know how they really are, i know what they will try to do(since i seen it many times b4 and read much about it here as well). if they pressure me im just gonna back off. i just want to see how they are even though they will be nice at first. im not one to get persuaded easily since im stubborn especially in religion. i told my jw girl about this and obviously she was happy about it but got a bit too ahead of herself asking me when im gonna start taking studies, asking her any doubt i have about the religion. the problem is that im not gonna be able to talk to her for the next week and half because she will be busy setting up things for a party and that she went over he phone bill. i feel like this would be the best time to get information out from both sides. why they think they are the "truth" and what others say why they are not. i just need good information on contradicting the religion. not trying to upset them but i want to make her think when i talk to her again. so does anyone have some good sites, links to go to for info. one the religion and how to "make them think a bit outside the box".i found some good links but i just need a alot more info. it wont be easy but i would like to take my shot at it.
Well, you are currently on a very good site that's full of info. Read as many of the posts here as you can, check the Best Of section, etc.
Another site that gives a very good analysis of many JW issues is http://www.jwfacts.com. It covers all kinds of topics, is presented in a simple and straightforward way, and has been invaluable to me in my own research. If you're looking for "talking points" that detail the facts behind the deceptions, that's a great place to start. -
John Doe
My advice to you is to worry about college at this point in your life rather than a girl who may screw your whole future up.
oh college is a year and half away. the situation hasnt really disturbed my schooling nor do i ever let it. and its summer right now so i got lots of time . and nameless one i'll definatly check out the info sometime. but can u give some examples as well to get soemthing going. im sure ill find some as im researching around.
Be aware that the JW's are trained to convince others of the "correctness" of their teachings. YOU run a great risk of being indoctrinated if you try to argue with her, particularly if you get involved with others in the congregation. If you argue strongly you will be condemned as "worldly" and one to be avoided
I am not nor ever have been a JW, (my wife is) and I can sssure you that it is far from easy - you need to be sure of yourself.
Do you have any thoughts of higher education? Be very aware of the JW attitude to higher ed (is your girlfriend planning on any serious non JW studies)
Caution, my friend, is of the greatest importance and you should be well aware of the JW's and their traps.