When has Science Ever been proven wrong by the Bible?

by gaiagirl 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    I think the answer like it or not to when has science been proven wrong by the bible is.

    At one point science taught that the earth was flat.

    Bible advocates claim that the bible says that the earth is a circle.

    I always questioned that and thought that a circle could be flat, like a paper plate.

    If the bible said the earth is a ball, then I would agree that the bible was right regarding the shape of the earth.

    But as I remember that is the believers argument to the bible proving science wrong.

    Also Science from a few hundred years ago did not understand bacteria and sanitation.

    Plauges were the result of dumping human waste in the streets.

    In the bible God told the Israelites to bury their waste for sanitation and disease control.

    Those are 2 that I can think of. I think there are more.

    People see what the want to see.

    You can see atheism and evolution or God and the bible. Keep tabs its about 50/50.

    Every argument one side comes up with the other counters.

    Pick your side and take your chances.

  • amicus

    I think the more pertinent question here is what is the "Bible". We have a pretty good idea of the books that the Israelites used, but once you move beyond the Hebrew/OT books the modern day Bible is far from being a credible document.

    We have excellent translations of the documents that are used by most/all "Christian Religions". What we don't have is a document/documents that the founder of this religion "Christianity" supported.

    I would be interested in seeing a religion that adheres *only* to the known teachings of Jesus. That is if such a document could be developed. My guess is that some of the Amish and some Buddists would find kindred spitits, but the bulk of the "modern christians" would find them to be far too passive for tolerance.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    At one point science taught that the earth was flat.

    Oh? What scientist taught that? Can you name one that actually asserted, after considering the matter, that the earth was flat?

    I can think of plenty of theologians and church leaders who taught that. And they had biblical reasons for doing so. But THEY were proven wrong by science, not the other way 'round.

    You may be surprised to know that, at least among scientists, the flat earth concept wasn't as prevailing as you think. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myth_of_the_Flat_Earth

    "There never was a period of “flat earth darkness” among scholars (regardless of how the public at large may have conceptualized our planet both then and now). Greek knowledge of sphericity never faded, and all major medieval scholars accepted the earth’s roundness as an established fact of cosmology."

    If the bible said the earth is a ball, then I would agree that the bible was right regarding the shape of the earth.

    IF the bible said that... which it doesn't... it would have been correct. But even back then this wasn't such a revelation. Pythagoras had it figured out at least 2500 years ago, that's about 100 years before Isaiah was written.

    In the bible God told the Israelites to bury their waste for sanitation and disease control.

    Big deal, the Egyptians that were using them as slaves had already been doing so, that's probably where the Israelites got the idea...

    And this doesn't require science or religion... just pattern recognition. You don't have to understand the mechanisms, but as long as you realize: "Hey those flies were just on my sick neighbors poop and now their on my food... I don't feel so well..."

  • WTWizard

    The Bible has all the lies needed to hide all its other lies, in circular arguments. And the Washtowel Slaveholdery demands that people believe the lies, or else they will be cut off and have their lives totally messed up.

  • Terry

    I get lots of books to shelve in the Religion section (Apologia) that are anti-evolution. The funny thing is this: they don't really call it Evolution.

    They call it DARWINISM!

    They want to stick with the general state of speculation in the mid 1880's and tilt at that windmill instead of modern science.

    They will attack Lamarck as an evolutionary scientist, too. They will throw in Piltdown Man fraud to tarnish the reputation of scientists as well.

    Nothing directly attacking current state of the art science.

    The smear goes to obfuscating through inference, suggestion, and guilt by association.

    If you can find a believer in God who is a Physicist, that is considered a refutation of of Science!

    One really good "explainer" of science/evolution who is Christian is HUGH ROSS of Reasons to Believe ministry. Ross is a clever fellow who has explanations for everything. I like him. He goes about as far as a liberal bible-thumper can go in harmonizing scripture with science and making it sound plausible.

    The problem with the Watchtower accusing Science of error is that they are deflecting error away from themselves constantly.

    There are two modes to be in: defense OR attack. Defense is a real loser for them. So, they are constantly erecting Straw Men like Apostates, evolutionists, false religionists, demonic minions and other worthy foes.

    The Watchtower is permanently stuck in the PAST. They prove all their weirdest doctrines by constantly rummaging around in the Old Testament. It shouldn't be any surprise they want Science to be from the 1800's!

    The only innovator this religion ever had was C.T.Russell and he bought his ideas from other crackpots and combined them.

  • OnTheWayOut
    You can see atheism and evolution or God and the bible. Keep tabs its about 50/50.

    JB, only for some it's 50/50. For some it's 100/0 or 0/100. It's what they are
    looking for. You make good points on sanitation. I could say that is trial and
    error. Get rid of the waste and there are less flies and rodents, so make it
    a moral law. Not exactly "inspired." Another would see it as wisdom beyond
    their understanding.

    You are spot on for the circle or the ball. Good thoughts.


    If you think otherwise you don't understand God of the Bible and doesn't know the latest uncovered secrets of the Bible . And that we live in the times when God Yahweh is revealing more truths to His people as we are nearing the end.

    The problem is not with the evolution but with human ignorance about who is God Yahweh and that whatever takes place in the universe is the movement of matter God Yaweh executes.

    So if we speak about the evolution we must see God working behind it !

    And I already wrote about the age of the universe according to the Bible : more than 15 billion years. Exactly what the scientists are saying about !

  • bobld

    Watchtower always say science is wrong,yet they will use this same science to prove the Bible.So which is it?


  • StAnn

    I guess, for me, it comes down to this: the Bible is not a textbook. It's not a history book or a science book. It's a compilation of books of theology from many different genres that needs to be read contextually.

    Science and theology are two separate disciplines and the WTS isn't proficient in either of them.


  • smellsgood

    They're sort of two different animals aren't they?

    If there are believers who regard the bible as a book of Scientific inquiry, I would expect those same people to be unable to distinguish the candy from the wrapper. They are two different things, and the candy is not trying to masquerade as the wrapper, nor the other way around.

    It's like saying archaeology proves home economics wrong. Home economics isn't trying to uncover lost cities or dig up ancient treasures. It's trying to get us all giddy about domestic chores, sometimes you get to make cookies in class which is fun.

    I don't know, where in the bible does it go into atoms, molecules, DNA (not the looooong lists of lineage) Strong and weak nuclear forces, gravity, weather patterns, dark matter, tectonic plates, antibodies, red cells, white cells, prison cells, electromagnetism (thank you Rodrigo Santoro) on and on.

    I think people get confused as to what the bible itself wants itself to be...

    if that makes sense.

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