nvrgnbk Let me reverse your rehtoric.
For who did God write the Bible for, for himself?
Also, your question has no meaning in relation to my statement because only a legislator or judge knows what the law means even if it was written for someone else and would NOT leave people to guess the meaning or learn by trial and error. The Bible is not a clear cut book, It is ambiguisosly written needing someone to interpret its meaning, jesus had to correct wrong conclusion as to what the Bible really meant regarding the Messiah, disgusting thing, ressuurection, the purpose and meaning of the law. Serious problem in BIble is that one cannot know anything with certainty and it is so written that meanings can be changed to harmonize with science. For example, since it is a scientific fact that The earth was not meade in 6 days, Creation days now takes on another meaning to line up with fact.
If science ever proves that Adam and Eve did not exist, then a nEW truth or new light will follow adjusting the meaning of Genesis Adam and EVE, maybe making them allegorical figures and adjusting everything else t.o line up with science.
The Bible does not say: The earth is not flat, it is a sphere that revolves around the sun. It has no foundation to support it. It is suspended in space turning on an axis the same way a top spins.
The meaning of the language, circle of the earth and hanging upon empty space, could have been ajusted to mean what ever the reality. Even if the earth was flat and elephants was the foundation of the earth, the meaning of verses would be adjusted to fit the truth.