When has Science Ever been proven wrong by the Bible?

by gaiagirl 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Terry you crack me up

    The only innovator this religion ever had was C.T.Russell and he bought his ideas from other crackpots and combined them.

    Shouldn't the bible really be called "The Book of Stories Derived from Human Ignorance" or maybe " Instructions on How to Play God Handbook"

    OBVES your a total nutcase but I love you

  • still_in74

    It's the first of a 3-part series of 5 minute talks.

    Hope you can make it.

    Bring your anti-nausea medicine.

    I'll do you one better, I had to give the #4 talk last week! I posted at the thread link below. Enjoy!


  • still_in74

    Just throw in a little "just look how screwed up the world is" for good measure.

    "Mankind can't solve our problems, so that means that God has to do something, and soon!"

    Lord how many times have we heard that?

    maybe you can somehow squeeze in, "some things we wont know till the new system, we just need to get there!" Everyone in the room will smile and nod in agreement and then you can move onto the next paragraph without addressing the issue.

  • justhuman

    Generally this is how extreme protestand groups view the Bible...like a scientific book. Which is not. The Bible deals with the spiritual aspects and is only one of the expressions of God's Gospel. Trying to make it scientific is wrong like the WT does. Even if you take the account of evolution and the Bible we find that there is a graduate life appearance on earth.

    The problem with the confusing minds of the WT leadership is that they take the Bible and try to fit it to their own weird theology, making themselves fools because they ignore scientific facts regarding mankind and evolution. The reason behind all this is to support their existence(God's chosen people)and most of all not to create any doubts to the controled minds of their followers.

    While other Christian dominations like the Orthodox Church has no problem to accept science and evolution, WT leadership are so negative for leaving their followers to start think for themselves, because one thing leads to another. Like a puzzle putting the peaces together.

    If the Bible is wrong then how can we trust our leadership since they have put their faith in a book that contains mistakes?

    That is why WT is so neggative to higher education because it will "corrupt" the young JW's. Instead of building faith to Jesus and Christian freedom they build their theological foundation on fear.

  • Borgia

    If I am not mistaken the paragraph used the phrase: human teachings. It was also used in the same paragraph were it was exclaimed that scientist who arrogantly argue we scant need of believing in a god. But as a matter of fact: human teachings not only relate to science. It relates to what Dr. Spock says also. Basically, anything humans teach.

    Paragraph 19 very simply misapplies 1 Cor 4:6 and thus declaring WTS literature to have prevalence over the bible. Elders do not go beyond what is written but apply it locally and the dubbs have to give them the road.

    What is boils down to is this:
    1. Any human teaching
    Q: Has it been mentioned in the WTS literature? A: Do a cd rom search B: Check the index

    If 1 = no goto 3
    if 1= yes
    2: has it been mentioned positively?
    if yes: goto 3
    if no: discuss answer with local elder during fieldservice and pray more but forget about it.
    3: Does the proponent of this teaching follow bible principles?
    if no: discuss answer with local elder during fieldservice and built up appreciation for the abundance of spiritual food , pray more and forget about it.
    if yes: goto 4
    4: Does the teaching futher Gods purpose?
    if no: discuss answer with local elders during fieldservice and built up appreciation for the abundace of spiritual food provided by the FDS, pray more and forget about it.
    if yes: goto 5
    5: does this teaching potentially disrupt the peace in the brotherhood?
    if yes: discuss answer with local elders during fieldservice and built up appreciation for the abundace of spiritual food provided by the FDS, pray more and forget about it.
    if no: goto 6
    6: Does the teaching built up appreciation for the abundance of spiritual food provided in due season by the faithful and discrete slave?
    if no: discuss answer with local elders during fieldservice and built up appreciation for the abundace of spiritual food provided by the FDS, pray more and forget about it.
    if yes: goto 7
    7: Wait on Jehovah, the FDS and the elders to publish this understanding in order to remain fully in harmony with the framework of biblical teachings including those who are particular for Jehovah's people.

    Quite workable is it not? But considering this, it is not very difficult for science to prove the bible and by extension the WTS literature wrong.



  • Fisherman

    nvrgnbk Let me reverse your rehtoric.

    For who did God write the Bible for, for himself?

    Also, your question has no meaning in relation to my statement because only a legislator or judge knows what the law means even if it was written for someone else and would NOT leave people to guess the meaning or learn by trial and error. The Bible is not a clear cut book, It is ambiguisosly written needing someone to interpret its meaning, jesus had to correct wrong conclusion as to what the Bible really meant regarding the Messiah, disgusting thing, ressuurection, the purpose and meaning of the law. Serious problem in BIble is that one cannot know anything with certainty and it is so written that meanings can be changed to harmonize with science. For example, since it is a scientific fact that The earth was not meade in 6 days, Creation days now takes on another meaning to line up with fact.

    If science ever proves that Adam and Eve did not exist, then a nEW truth or new light will follow adjusting the meaning of Genesis Adam and EVE, maybe making them allegorical figures and adjusting everything else t.o line up with science.

    The Bible does not say: The earth is not flat, it is a sphere that revolves around the sun. It has no foundation to support it. It is suspended in space turning on an axis the same way a top spins.

    The meaning of the language, circle of the earth and hanging upon empty space, could have been ajusted to mean what ever the reality. Even if the earth was flat and elephants was the foundation of the earth, the meaning of verses would be adjusted to fit the truth.

  • nvrgnbk
    Only God knows what is written in the Bible means

    It was you that said that "only God knows what is written in the Bible means", Fisherman.

    I replied with no "rehtoric" [sic], just a simple question.

    If I write instructions to another and only I know what they mean, haven't I wasted everyone's time, not to mention ink and paper?

  • Fisherman

    nvrgnbk What do you think are the answers to your question?

    According to the meaning of rhetoric and rhetorical, was not your question rhetorical?

    Is not a rhetorical question usually defined as any question asked for a purpose other than to obtain the information the question asks ?

  • Fisherman


    Doesnt the Bible say that interpretation belong to God? What do you think that that means? Who knows what that means?

    Do Christians conclude that the OT means that Jesus is the Messiah?

    Do Jews conclude that the OT means that he is is not?

    Does the Bible say that Jesus is God?

    Does the Bible say that Jesus is a god?

    nvrgnbk Did God speak to you?

    nvrgnbk Did God tell you that Jesus is the messsiah?

    nvrgnbk Did God tell you that Jesus is God or that Jesus is a god?

    Does the wts know the meaning of the Bible?

    How do you know what the Bible means?

    Can you prove what the Bible means?

    If you know for a fact what the Bible means or if you know who knows what the Bible means can you show those facts?

    Are there thousands of Religions with conflicting beliefs in Bible meaning?

    Who do you know for a certainty that knows what the Bible means? You? Me? The Jews? The Jws? the other Christian Churches?

    Do you think that I have more questions?

  • 83501nwahs

    Jaguar bass says: "At one point science taught that the earth was flat."

    This statement is completely false. It is a myth propagated by Bible believers. At no time did any secular source ever proclaim that the earth was flat, unless it was intimidated by the christian church. Pagan civilizations had known the earth was a sphere from before there was written history as far as we can tell.

    It was bible believers, not scientists who put forth the flat earth myth based on the scripture in Isaiah. Also, it was a belief common only in western europe where the christian church held power. People not directly enfluenced by the christian church have never believed that the earth was flat.

    Also, there was no such thing as a "scientist" in the ages in question, at least there was no such thing in pre-christian times. Back then there were just people with inquisitive minds who did experiments. Scientist is a relatively new categorization. They were usually referred to as Philosophers, not scientists.

    I may have to dig up some references on this I realize, but you can start with "Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric" by Kahane, which discusses common myths.

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