Fisherman says: "Do you think that I have more questions?"
I just laughed my ass off in the middle of a coffee shop! Thank you fisherman!
When has Science Ever been proven wrong by the Bible?
by gaiagirl 36 Replies latest jw friends
According to the meaning of rhetoric and rhetorical, was not your question rhetorical?
Is not a rhetorical question usually defined as any question asked for a purpose other than to obtain the information the question asks ?
No, my question wasn't rhetorical.
I really was looking for an answer.
Sorry that you misunderstood.
Perhaps English isn't your first language.
While other Christian dominations like the Orthodox Church has no problem to accept science and evolution
Probably only as long as science doesn't touch upon a non-mystical study of consciousness.
Is not your last statement ad hominim according to the following definition?
[Latin, To the person.] A term used in debate to denote an argument made personally against an opponent, instead of against the opponent's argument.
In your last post, werent you explaining the meaning and purpose of your intial questions, that you wrote?
Why do people resort to ad hominim?
Are these not examples of rhetorical questions? Are not these questions simimilar to yours?
- How long, Catiline, will you abuse our patience?"
(Cicero, first speech against Catiline)- "Was this ambition?"
(Mark Antony in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar)- "Hath not a Jew eyes?
Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions?
If you prick us, do we not bleed, if you tickle us, do we not laugh?
If you poison us, do we not die?
And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?"If only God knows the meaning of the Bible, is that not a waste of pen and paper?
Although the utterers of these questions may say that they are not rhetorical, are they not, really according to definition?
Is not the Bible wriitten in Hebrew Greek and Aramaic? If that is so, then is it not true that English is not the Bible's first language?
Although the Bible has been translated to plain English, do English speaking people, even masters of the english language and literature, do they all understand the meaning of what is clearly written in the English language in the Bible?
When a person resorts to ad hominim, is it not a waste of time continue to dialogue?
- How long, Catiline, will you abuse our patience?"
Some tips regarding the Genesis acount that the WT does not like to comment:
In the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures it says that "God made things good" or (lian kalos) that means that they weren't perfect. There is a difference from perfect and good. But WT applies it as perfect.
Adam and Eve are our spiritual parents and the account of Genesis discribes the gift of the Soul to humans by God. We have human history going back far more than the creation of Adam, that was about 7000 years ago.
Also there are more questions to stupid WT understanding that need to be answered:
1.If God created perfect wold why we have animals and reptiles that are flesh eating? If you look at the history of Dinosaurus most of them they were violent and flesh eating reptiles. Why God would create such violence creatures?
2.If the animals at Eden were peaceful why again we have animals that are eating flesh(lions, tigers, sharks, just to name af few)
WT istead of accepting the FACT of graduate Evolution ignores those facts and they are only fooling their selfs
Mr. Majestic
Just wanted to add that even in the middle ages people knew that the world was round.
Roger Bacon knew that the earth was round back in the 13 th century.
So before and even after the dark ages this fact was known….
This myth seemed to come about at the end of the 18 th and early in the 19 th century.
The fact the earth was round it was also known fact by the Ancient Greeks at least 2500 years ago. Not to mention the Orpheas Hymns, that they describe in accuracy celestial phenomena and an Earth with 2 seasons only, and dating back 10,500 years. Also a ancient type of computer showing celestial plannets in connection with the Earths Orbit. Scientist are trying hard to solve how did this worked.It was found in an ancient Greco/roman ship in Kithira dating 2100 B.C.
And one small detail. The dark ages was for the West Europe. In East Europe and in the Capitol of the Romanae Empire-New Rome (known as Byzantine)Constantinoupole, dark ages never existed, since science literature, and knowledge never ceased. It ended only with the fall of the Capital by the Othoman Turks in 1453 A.D. While in the West people suffered from the Catholic Church, Inquizition, and other political problems, in the East was a continuation of the Creco/roman civilazation. Eventually the destruction of Constantinoupole led most of the scientists and scholars to escape in West Europe.As a result new era began for Europe.
Also another small detail. When the Turkish pirate Pirei- Reis was captured he had ancient maps that has stolen from Romanae ship. Guess what? Those maps they were copy of a much older maps and it was the Earth's landscape as we know it today. With only one small detail!!! The ice in the Artic and Antartic wasn't there!!! Scientists examine the mass of the land in the Poles and it matches perfectly with the maps of the Greeks. Only by a satelite those map could have been created with the accuracy of todays technological means.
There are ancient civilazations much more advance than the Hebrew, like the Egyptians, Sumerians, Greek. Comparing what those civilazations gave to mankind(literature, mathematics, Medics) the Hebrew gave nothing. And in fact it was through the Greek civilazation that Chrisianity was spread to the world. So it would be nice if the WT realize the wrong path that they are into, and be more open minded before the shop called WT close for good...