I literally had dozens of these type parts at CA, SAD and DCs over 15-20 years or so.
A lot depended on the CO or DO you had. With some of these guys rehearsals could be VERY stressful - especially those who wanted everyone to give a positive spin on their experience. The "lets never hear a negative word" C&DOs were a pain in the ass.
But there was a golden era when, after I'd done enough to be completely trusted, I got away with keeping things real in all my parts and interviews. And guess what - the friends LOVED it! Trust me - a lot of JWs find the Pollyanna experiences hard to swallow. Many, many times friends have complained to me about wanting to gag at the hokey experiences!
During the golden era, we had a CO or two (Frank Hans in particular) who trusted this one other elder and I with doing most of his rehearsals for him. We worked well together, and we'd get into these rehearsals and hear these totally scripted, stiff interviews or experiences. We'd listen carefully, and then, after it was over and the participants had relaxed, we'd just ask them a few questions, and get these totally great, enthusiastic, honest answers and expressions.
"THAT'S what we want to hear on the platform!" we'd tell them. For a few years the quality of the assemblies really improved.
I also had a cool experience in one of my first CA parts. I had to interview a handful of people, and arranged most of the stuff over the phone. One person I interviewed was a VERY attractive young woman, late teens or early 20s (hell, I was in my early 20s when I had the part!). Well I was pretty nervous, and honestly didn't notice that the girl had quite a short skirt on. Somehow that skirt also made it through the elders who checked us out before going on stage.
Well, standing up there on the stage made the skirt seem even shorter, and it caused a bit of a stir. Afterwards I was talking with the CO about it, a cool guy. He told me, "Don't worry about it. Trust me, half the audience might have thought the skirt was too short, but the other half was going, 'Yeah! It's about time!'"