I have given interviews on circuit and SAD...never a DC...The last time, I did it one way in rehearsal...and did it another way during the actual part. and the way I did it in front of every one was so generic as to be boring.,...yet everyone clapped like a bunch of damn seals... .. a close friend of mine told me later that she thought that I had stripped it down to the bare bone. I told her I stripped it down to what really happened...not so damn exciting after all.
I dont seem to remember getting an interview part after that .... and despite being an MTS grad, the only part I was ever given on a CA was the Bible Highlights with the canned Q&A.... Unlike others who had given the BH, I did not tell the participants what to say, or even what section to comment on..just that it had to relate to that particular BH. I only made sure that a) the comment was 30 seconds or less and b) that they werent commenting the same as someone else. I allowed my part to go over a little because by the time I got to the 10th commenter, we were technically out of time, but I wasnt going to do that to her, since she had worked hard on the comment, so my part went 10:28. Surprisingly, I didnt get chewed out by the DO publicly, though he mentioned it afterwards...and he understood why I did it...he said I was being kind..but I was still overtime....
I sat through quite a few rehearsal sessions with the CO since I was an MTS grad... and I cant begin to tell you how many times that the experiences were tweakedcompletely different than the original because the FDS had a "point" for each of the experiences. Often, there were no experiences in the circuit to match the point, so they would find some dogooder pioneer to "re-inact" an "experience" that never really happened or happened somewhere else.
What a load of horse sh*t...and that's an insult to the horse and the sh*t
Snakes ()