Being told what to say in Convention interviews

by passwordprotected 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hillbilly

    The few times I did CA parts... yea, rehearsed and coached... scripted. By the time they interveiw you it plays like a made-for -TV movie

    I sat through one story that involved a family member... the way it got told.... well, I guess there could be a Santa Clause... ya know what I mean?

    Spun and re-spun... about the only thing that was true was the name of the person on stage.


  • Prov1320

    I was telling my wife last night about an experience I heard at a DC about a girl who was in her last year of studies to become a doctor (and get her PHD). She explained how she felt it was important to abandon her studies to pursue full time service and get a mediocre job.

    To my dismay, everyone clapped! How could someone be so stupid!

    I have also heard experiences where other friends of mine left college to pursue "spriritual goals". I knew, however, that the truth was that they didn't leave by choice, but had failed 1st or 2nd year. Does that not warm your heart?


  • momzcrazy

    I was interviewed several times on convention and assembly programs. Yes, I was coached on what to say. And then further coached when we practiced in front of the DO and CO before the actual day.



    My mother badgered me endlessly,to show my 1st grade teacher Gods name in the bible..This went on for months.....Finally,just to shut her up.I showed my 1st grade teacher gods name in the bible.....The very next assembly,I was put out on stage....."Oh,Wow!..Look at this 6yr old preaching gods name!"........The fact that I was endlessly harassed to do it,was never mentioned........Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I have given interviews on circuit and SAD...never a DC...The last time, I did it one way in rehearsal...and did it another way during the actual part. and the way I did it in front of every one was so generic as to be boring.,...yet everyone clapped like a bunch of damn seals... .. a close friend of mine told me later that she thought that I had stripped it down to the bare bone. I told her I stripped it down to what really happened...not so damn exciting after all.

    I dont seem to remember getting an interview part after that .... and despite being an MTS grad, the only part I was ever given on a CA was the Bible Highlights with the canned Q&A.... Unlike others who had given the BH, I did not tell the participants what to say, or even what section to comment on..just that it had to relate to that particular BH. I only made sure that a) the comment was 30 seconds or less and b) that they werent commenting the same as someone else. I allowed my part to go over a little because by the time I got to the 10th commenter, we were technically out of time, but I wasnt going to do that to her, since she had worked hard on the comment, so my part went 10:28. Surprisingly, I didnt get chewed out by the DO publicly, though he mentioned it afterwards...and he understood why I did it...he said I was being kind..but I was still overtime....

    I sat through quite a few rehearsal sessions with the CO since I was an MTS grad... and I cant begin to tell you how many times that the experiences were tweakedcompletely different than the original because the FDS had a "point" for each of the experiences. Often, there were no experiences in the circuit to match the point, so they would find some dogooder pioneer to "re-inact" an "experience" that never really happened or happened somewhere else.

    What a load of horse sh*t...and that's an insult to the horse and the sh*t

    Snakes ()

  • VM44

    ...but what about maintaining one's integrity when telling of one's experience?

  • sacolton

    All I know is that it was time to clap when the speaker would suddenly raise the tone of his voice ...

    "blahblahblahblahblah ... AND MAY WE ALWAYS PUT OUR TRUST IN JEHOVAH!"

    (clap time)

  • besty

    Little bit off topic but here goes

    A fader friend of mine was Elder PO, MTS Grad, missionary, convention speaker - you get the idea. Unfortunately he had to handle several pedophile cases in various congs he was in. At the elders meeting with the CO + DO and the Circuit Assembly shortly after the Panorama expose on the BBC, the CO proudly and definitely announced to all the elders that they would be pleased to know there were no pedophile problems in their Circuit.

    It was a complete bare-faced lie as that CO had personally been involved in some cases with my friend.

    It was one of the things that got my friend out of the WTS.

  • Alexia

    Having a “non-believing” father and full-time employed, non pioneer mother, automatically disqualified me from boasting sessions, but I remember all of the answers from the other people sounded faked, very rehearsed and the wording and phrasing was always the same.

    My mother did a part once (for the 1st time in 25 years of being in the Borg) about how she overcame having an UBM for so long. The truth was, despite my father's severe alcoholism, the elders told her she could not divorce him. After 27 years of marriage, she did divorce him but that wasn’t mentioned at all in the part.

  • tan

    I had that happen. I was told what to say, how to say it and my experience was totally distorted.

    You're just so excited to be on stage and be the big shot at that time that you go with it. Bulls***!

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