I was told once that I had been chosen for an interview at the circuit assembly. I was interviewed along with a buddy and someone we didn't know. We were told to choose between three different responses. We were told to choose the one that most sounded like yourself or your current situation. So we got n touch with the other brother and we divied up the written responses. I really wanted another one but the goon we didn't know was adamant about getting to give one particular response. I don't remember thinking there was anything remotely dishonest about the whole thing. I didn't bat an eye.
Being told what to say in Convention interviews
by passwordprotected 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Somehow I feel this thread is much more like "food at the proper time" than any of the washtowels that come from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. Just goes to show that they will make up lies if they don't have anything real (the small-town school with the teacher that wanted to kill the students is a key example).
I wonder if they are going to start using iPods to do these things. Dummy the mics, and have the recording made in Beth Hell and edited on a computer. Put the edited version on the iPod, have the mic connected on the floor, put a A/B switch on the mic with the iPod, and select the iPod and play the message. Everyone will think what is on the iPod is what the person with the dummy mic is saying, and it could make for some extreme embarrassments and guilt trips in the future.
Several of the parts I had given were with well respected elders. They were guys that everyone really looked up to. Interestingly, these were the guys that kept asking me to alter my story to make it more interesting and to leave out things that were real. I remember feeling guilty about letting it happen but it gave me some insight into their real priorities. It was the company man attitude coming out, truth be damned...
White Dove
My grandparents were interviewed at a CA. I don't know how much was really their own words and not. -
I've given a few parts. The first time, the brother let me tell the experience exactly as it happened, I think because it was entertaining enough and didn't need any spicing up. But for the other times, I saw how the brothers basically changed the story of almost everyone to be interviewed and basically told them what to say. I remember telling a friend that I don't believe most of the experiences because most of them are pumped up or stretched for dramatic effect. One brother got upset because he asked me a question and I answered honestly instead of telling the lie he wanted me to tell. After that I turned down all invites to do assembly parts.
Wasanelder Once
You brave little Israelite girl you. How it must have made Jehoobie's heart glad. W.Once
My wife was one of these "embellished experiences". My sister studied with the woman who eventually became my wife. My wife's family were all devout Church of God and Christ. When my (now) MIL found out about the study, she bought books and read up on JWs and tried to find out how to keep my wife out of the religion. The first thing the books said to do was get her to stop her study. Bad advice, in my opinion, since someone hooked on it is always getting something out of it. So, my MIL told my wife to stop her study.
My wife started sneaking out of the house to meet my sister. Now there was the whole James Bond "intrigue" feel to it, but my wife currently admits she didn't really study thoroughly for the study with my sister. This rocks on a while and my wife starts regularly attending meetings. I should add that my wife used to SUCK at confrontations. So she lied about why she was leaving and who she was going with. One night, my MIL got suspicious and followed her. When my wife got back they had a row.
My MIL put her foot down, "As long as you are under my roof . . .!"
My wife packed her belongings neatly in a Hefty garbage bag and left. When she arrived at my parent's house she said, "This will be an interesting experience, I have never spent the night away from home before."
Precanned experience for the DA, right? Well, the DA experience happened, but they omitted that my wife's mother was apologetic over her behavior and took my wife back in that very week. They also played up how horrible it was that a mother would be willing to cut off her own child just because her child wanted to learn the truth from the Bible. My sister and mother and future wife were on the DA part, together. Now, my sister and mother have cut me off just because I wanted to learn the truth about my religion from the Bible.
"Watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy."
AuldSoul -
compound complex
Direct and Cross-Examination Questions in Child Custody Cases
WTB&TS, page 42
"Be careful that they [JW children being questioned] don't get the impression that they are in a demonstration at the circuit assembly, when they would show that the first things in life are service and going to the Kingdom Hall. Show hobbies, crafts, social activity, sports, and especially plans for the future.
"Be careful they don't all say that they are going to be pioneers. Plans can be trade, getting married and having children, journalism, and all kinds of other things. Maybe you can show an interest in art and the theatre. They must be clean, moral, HONEST, but with interests you would expect from other young people." [CC: emphasis]
Welcome, password ...
The above is an ironic twist on your question. This is what JW children are COACHED to say in court custody cases.
compound complex
One brother got upset because he asked me a question and I answered honestly instead of telling the lie he wanted me to tell.
Just another reason I don't even bother going.
I can see the day when they won't even need to say a word. The "brothers" could record a MP3 file, digitally manipulate the voice to make it seem realistic, alter portions of the tone to make it sound more lifelike, and play the MP3 directly instead of the mic. The technology already exists--all one needs is the MP3 player with the recording, a A/B switch that Radio Shack carries, and the ability to connect the mic to the A side and the MP3 player to the B side. On cue, the sound attendant pushes the B button on that switch, and plays the MP3.
If I'm there, I will start a nice round of hissing and booing if I hear that crap.