It's inevitable that a 1 world gov. is to be formed. But, these guys have a plan for us. It's called eugenics, getting rid of 80% of the population. It's all here:
"The globalists have already many times publicly stated their goal to exterminate 80% of the world's population, and these camps are just part of their Final Solution. The UN Global Biodiversity Assessment (GBA) calls for a reduction in world population from 5.6 billion to 1 to 2 billion within the next decade (GBA Section
Here is an excerpt from the UN organized INITIATIVE FOR ECO-92 EARTH CHARTER:
"The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary."
And this from a UN publication:
"The United Nation's goal is to reduce population selectively by encouraging abortion, forced sterilization, and control of human reproduction, and regards two-thirds of the human population as excess baggage, with 350,000 people to be eliminated per day."
--Jacques Cousteau, United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization Courier, November 1991."