iPods for the Global Elite @ Bilderberg 2008 Meeting on 6/08

by What-A-Coincidence 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Good post joel ...

    exactly..everyone is COMPARTMENTALIZED...

    The Ministerial Servants don't really know what the Elders know, the Elders don't really know what the Circuit and District Overseers know, and they in turn don't know what the GB knows. The GOVERMENT works the same way.

    How Long Will JWDers Stay Apathetic To The Reality?

    Who owns you JWDers?

  • restrangled

    WAC here are two published articles by someone who attended the 2007 Bilderberg Conference. I know they are not as exciting as the unverified (i.e. fabricated) quote you use of David Rockefeller's....the truth sometimes is rather unspectacular Enjoy!

    Why are we scared of Bilderberg ?


    What was discussed at Bilderberg?


    R's Hubby

  • What-A-Coincidence

    R's Hubby. Your posts are irrevelant. You haven't even seen the videos I posted. You have no knowledge. You post what you would like to believe. You find what you are looking for. You interpret at your own convenience. All the documents are out there. You my friend, ARE A SHEEPLE!

    This is for you man "Common Sense in the New World Order"


  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    WAC my friend...you ask that I chew on an article by David Rockefeller. I chewed on it and discover that he never said it. That either makes you a liar or ill informed. I will be happy to experience all that your time and hard earned money has discovered, but I'd like to stick to the actual truth and verifiable sources....could you provide maybe one or two actual verifiable legitimate, named sources to back up your buildafantasy ?

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Dude u wrote:

    Allegedly said to a Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany, 1991 [2]. Quoted from The New American in William Jasper's article, European Nightmare. The quote ultimately came from the French periodical, Lectures Francaises, according to Jasper's article and Will Banyan's research in The Proud Internationalist (see "The Missing Quote," pg. 67). The authenticity of the quote is unverified, and the original source has been characterized as a far right publication nostalgiac for Vichy France: Lectures Francaises (in French).

    R's Hubby who reads allegedly as "made up"


    And then you say: "I chewed on it and discovered..." So u read this and saw the words, "allegedly, unverified". Is that the length you go to do research? Am I shocked? Not really, just proves the level of brainwashing/mind control you are under. Where is Steve Hassan when you need him. You should call him and ask for an appointment.

    http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/David_Rockefeller - Regarding his quote, they say "its disputed'. Just because it's unverified/disputed doesn't mean he didn't' say it. Actually it would not be surprising that he did say it since that is his modes operandi. But you wouldn't know cause you don't read books.

    Your posts prove all my points, you definitely characterize a sheeple. It's not surprising that you will eventually come across "dis info" along the way. But you like your comfort zone, like a JW, so stay there. You will get what you deserve.

    I am not wasting my time on hard core sheep as yourself. Stay asleep dude. Say to yourself: "My government loves me."

    Dammit, I crushed my Tin Foil Hat ... gotta make a new one .. brb

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    WAC how can I put this politely...educated people, in other words those who have spent time in college are introduced very early to the concept that an unverified quote should not be put forth as something that is true....it is considered dishonest.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Remember how in Kindergarten (or before) you were taught to put 1 and 1 together? From the looks of it, you haven't and never will. You could have all the evidence in your face and still say, no way, my gov. loves me.

    The declassified documents of Gulf of Tonkin ... nah, you can't handle it, your programming is too great.

    Ur just like a JW, when hard core evidence is brought to your attention, you categorize or label it, or look for your own conclusion like a JW heading toward the Watchtower Library. If you were a JW, you would be one for life. Then if you came across this website, you would be a JW apologists.

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    WAC....where is your integrity or brain? You cite quotes that are made up and then are astounded that people find that unacceptable. Maybe if you asked a few questions and backed up a few sources you wouldn't have become a cult member of either the WTS or the NWO brigade.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    lol. YOU ARE SHILL.

    my response: SEE MESSAGE ABOVE YOU.

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    WAC I never was a witness....but I sure can recognize one....You were an active cult member and now are once again mindlessly repeating unsubstantiated claims that others have placed in your lap. Out with the old boss in with the new. Same WAC...different message.

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