Hortensia, ask the Dr. for a local anesthetic, without epinephrine. He should have it in his office. Call before to make sure. The big advantage to epi, is less bleeding, and longer acting. But for a filling, with no bleeding, and the Dr. gets in the room, within 10 - 15 minutes and starts working, there is no reason to need epi.
But to alot of dentists, it is habit, and laziness. Just give the same thing to all, the tooth that is extracted will clot, just fine, just a couple of minutes later, and if they want to take a break, after giving you the shot, they can. You will still be numb an hour later.
I always work with the non-epi local. I just feel more comfortable. If a person has high blood pressure, the constricting arteries, could be dangerous. I would just rather not be responsible. Bleeding?? Of course!! Big Deal. Patient is numb. Not enough to worry about. Rinse them in cool or cold water, it stops.