Why aren't there any female GB members? Ah!, same reason, penis only!
My Older Witness Mom Admits to me - "It's a Man's Organization "
by flipper 25 Replies latest jw friends
Witness 007
From my experience it is a boys club. My mum was bashed afew times by her Pioneer/Servant Husband and the Elders thought it was "Jehovahs will" to keep them together....absolute idiots....after 3 seperations due to violence they still wanted them to get back together. The stupidity of their reasoning killed any faith I had left.
Well, I just read this story Mr.Flipper and I'm sorry to hear about this tragic situation.What a terrible thing to have to go through ! Sadly, what happens to these JW socalled men who beat their wives, all depends on how well liked they are by the elders and how well they play the game.If one wants to get something done, they usually need to go to the authorities because the congregation would rather look the other way.
Many of them are masters of manipulation and deception.Their entire thinking process involves selfishly scheming how they can get away with things so by the time they're confronted they already have several answers and scenarios ready to go.They like to turn on the charm in public not only because they love the attention but also in the hope that they'll be viewed as popular and likeable; and this lessens the possibility that they will be viewed with suspicion when accusations are made.This type of sociopathic behavior is given a hideout within the framework of a male dominated society such as with JW's.Just think about it, in the Judicial Committee,men get to render the final decision about what happens to everyone else, they're the final word.The GB, made up of men, wrote the rules.And other appointed men, appointed by other men, carry them out.
Now, from time to time, you will get elders who will do what it takes to get the job done regardless what anyone else says and he'll be damned if anyone, including other appointed men, try to stand in the way.This often results in being hamstrung as unfortunately, the system is set up so that the majority, not the theocracy, rules, and if a group of men band together to support the wrong actions of another, or even their own, then no one else can do anything about.How great to be in the "good ol' boys club ! " I'd really like to believe in karma, because bastards like these really deserve to get what they have coming to them !
LONG HAIR GAL- It definitely is a " good ol boys club" as you said. It is so sad when an abused witness woman flees an abusive witness husband only to be DFed for trying to find comfort in an affair - but the abusive husband gets let off the hook, not being held accountable for the abuse ! Disgusting.
S3RPH1M- I think if there were female governing body members - perhaps that organization would not have had half the problems they have had.
WITNESS 007- I'm sorry your mom was treated that way. It is idiotic that the elders wanted your mom and dad to stay together - in spite of him beating her.
BREAKING AWAY- It is true that these weasel abusers are masters of manipulation. And, it is true to get any justice against an abusive witness husband , a woman needs to go to the police, or authorities to get help, not the elders. I truly believe with the " patriarchal " attitude elders have, they are the LAST ones you'd want to report abuse to -
Regardless of what she does, at least "she DOES see through the BS in regards
to the elders and is open minded enough to have admitted it to [you]."My mother admitted that she doesn't ask people to examine their own religion.
She just "distributes literature." She complained that "the elders go beyond the
scriptures and state their opinions from the platform or at the bookstudy." She
admitted that the DC is long and boring, nothing ever new. -
OTWO- It is good that your mom as well can see the elders overstep their boundaries by giving their personal opinions over the platform or at studies. Even though both our mom's may not exit the witness cult - at least somewhat of the " glamor" and " aura " of the elders has wore off in their eyes
Getting ready to start a different thread today- so I wanted to bump this one up if any of you had not read this experience IO had with my mom on this issue. Thanks for your comments ! Peace out,Mr. Flipper
My Older Witness Mom Admits to me - "It's a Man's Organization "
I would hope she was older .... or you have a problem!
RR- Yeah , that is funny ! I guess some men have younger mom's ! I guess I meant my mom is " much " older than me ! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Bumping this thread up- because it's so close to 21 posts now, it would be redundant not to make it burn. LOL! So- one more bump for my mom ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper