I tend to be as forthright as I can be, but I'd have to wonder about the humanity of delivering the letter under the current scenario. If "pride" is the only thing you have on your side, it's best to keep quiet. To "strike hard" at old people is not the advice I'd follow (not that you would ever do such a thing, Confession).
Mr Zagor is right about one thing, it would be a "goddamned" letter if you did.
So it happened...I met with my Mom and Dad...
by Confession 36 Replies latest jw experiences
darth frosty
DUDE!!! Glad the meeting went well for ya. It is only natural that they would have some doubts after meeting with you (well natural from a perverted witness veiwpoint.) Just resign yourself to take babysteps. There are decades of conditioning you have to overcome. Hopefully they will continue the dont ask dont tell policy. As you mentioned they are up in age, maybe a renewed (if sub-dued) relationship with you will be the small vice they allow themselves in this stage of their life.
You absolutely did the right thing. Peace with your loved ones is always the best outcome.
The letter will help those who read it here on JWD and has proved cathartic for you, so your labor was not in vain.
I'm happy for you
Oh my! I just read your update! I still think you did the right thing at the time.
Your parents consciences are being tortured by their WT training. They cannot reconcile being true to Jehovah and having a relashionship with you. This is horrible, but for JW's it is "normal". They are to be pitied.
Keep that letter handy. If there is no hope of having a relashionship with your family you may just get to send it anyway.
I completely agree with the concept of not trying to open the eyes of older, dyed in the wool, JWs. What are they going to do in their '70s, turn their lives upside down and reject the resurrection fantasy? You have the satisfaction of knowing you are 'bigger' than them.
Kind of reminds me of a friend several years ago who had been a heavy smoker all his life. Health problems led to exploratory surgery, the surgeon took one look and closed him back up. Too far gone. His wife asked the Dr if her husband should stop smoking. He said, there was really no point in taking this pleasure away from him, let him smoke. It's too late to help.
Interesting analogy, Gregor. And I'm in agreement with you too, Changeling. If they actually do cut me off, I will go ahead and send the letter--for the reasons stated toward the beginning...
My intent is not to convince you that my way of thinking is the only right one, but instead to demonstrate that my reasons for coming to the conclusions I have are by no means frivolous. I have no problem whatsoever being in disagreement with another person, giving him all due respect for his beliefs. I am however troubled by those who assert that their conclusions are the only right ones, and with whom disagreement brings conflict and estrangement.